Dr. Andrei Orlov
Teaching: energy economics, energy economics, methods of economic evaluation of production and investment in energy; management of an energy company; energy sectors of the national economy
Research: Modeling and forecasting energy efficiency of industries and regions, Cluster analysis of energy efficiency of industries and regions.
Projects: Erasmus + Jean Monnet Networks , Collaboration for Innovation and Sharing of Best Practices.
EU Project Coordinator, Erasmus+ Project Manager, ;Chemistry
Participated in the implementation of 7 projects (1996-2019). The themes of the projects correspond to circular economy, environmental protection and education. Of these, as a leader in 5 national projects. Participated in two international projects (Tempus, Erasmus +). Participant of Tempus IV projects - 5th competition "INARM - Informatics and Management - Bolognese Qualifications Framework".
Coordinator of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project “Economic Aspects of Energy Efficiency in EU Countries” (ECENEF) 599491-EPP-1-2018-1-RU-EPPJMO-PROJECT.
Coordinator of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project “Circular Economy: The Number One Priority for the European Green Deal” (CIRECON) 619927-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-EPPJMO-PROJECT.
Author and co-author of 2 monographs, 58 scientific articles and conference materials.
- Modeling and forecasting the energy efficiency of industries and regions of the European Union.
- Modeling and forecasting indicators of the circular economy of the European Union
- Analysis of renewable energy sources and the circular economy of the European Union
- Modeling and forecasting of indicators of renewable energy of the European Union
- Analysis of renewable energy and energy efficiency of the European Union
Teaching experience:
- Fundamentals of the EU Circular Economy
- Green chemistry
- Circular Economy: An Introduction
- Circular Economy - Sustainable Materials Management
- Energy efficiency and energy saving in enterprises
- European Union Renewable Energy Course
- Wind power and biomass
Fields of Expertise:
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Low-Carbon Technology
Low-Carbon Economy
Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Development
Green Deal
2 years ago
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