Michael Etzbach
Oct 15, 2020
Looking for Partnership
About Me
My most lovely one is a Dragon ~~~ for lifelong learning (pupils students adults)
Descriptions? Si: In English, Spanish, French, Greek and German too.
I love Bottom-Up transforming of Societies, the Mountains and the Sea - analogue and digitally. Methods of Sciences are tools for Science-Quests for me.
Calls? Calls!:
- The call for digital education readiness will support projects in school education, vocational education and training, and higher education. This call will aim to enhance online, distance and blended learning - including supporting teachers and trainers, as well as safeguarding the inclusive nature of digital learning opportunities.
- The call for ‘partnerships for creativity’ will support projects in the fields of youth, school education and adult education. The call aims to develop skills and competences that encourage creativity and boost quality, innovation and recognition of youth work.
Keywords and matching areas:
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Ideas in Progress
Human Resources
Environmental protection
Education and Training
Cultural heritage
Culture and Development
Climate Sciences
DRAGOLINO “Science quests not only for kids”
Proposal for the ideas competition of the BMBF 2020
1. The challenge is complex related to kids (pupils) from 14 years:
a) To make school time highly interesting for pupils and at the same time b) to initiate sensibilty for Gaming Disorder triggers to create awareness that counteracts the increase in escapism, school ...
Oberhausen, Germany
4 years ago
4 years ago
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