Aachen Institute for Rescue Management and Public Safety (ARS)
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About us
The Aachen Institute for Rescue Management and Public Safety (ARS; German: Aachener Institut für Rettungsmedizin und zivile Sicherheit) is a joint institution of the City of Aachen and the University Hospital RWTH Aachen. The institute aims to consolidate pre-hospital emergency medical care and medical hazard prevention within the framework of strategic, user-oriented as well as scientific cooperation.
The basis for the cooperation is the technical and administrative expertise of the two institutions: the University Hospital RWTH Aachen plays a central role in the medical supply of the Aachen region as a hospital or maximum care and performs extensive activities in research, teaching, and patient treatment. It also strives for high standards in the fields of pre-hospital care in the rescue and emergency medical service (EMS), organised by the professional fire brigade of the city of Aachen, as well as the area of inter-hospital transport. The telemedical EMS system was the first research idea to be transferred into regular care.
Our work focuses on:
- Innovation
- Quality management
- Research
- Education & training
Like society in general, emergency medical care is evolving and the challenges it faces are changing. Our institute will use scientific instruments to examine innovations as well as quality aspects in emergency medical care and in the field of public safety and develop them in a future-oriented manner.
In particular, research and development potentials will be identified by users. Sustainable solutions will be developed together with university partners and put into practice in a targeted manner.
The main tasks of the ARS include:
- The initiation and coordination of scientific research and development projects in the field of pre-hospital emergency medical care and rescue management
- The initiation and coordination of scientific research and development projects in the field of non-police safety and civil security aspects
- The translation of scientific results into pre-hospital routine care
- Development and evaluation of quality assurance instruments
- The initial and continuing training of medical and non-medical emergency service personnel
Current projects
The ARS is currently involved in the following national and European research projects:
Virtual Disaster
The "Virtual Disaster" project is a new research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This project is coordinated by the Aachen Fire Brigade. The Chair of Anaesthesiology of the RWTH (tele-EMS system), the Institute of Flight System Dynamics (drones) as well as the Chair of Computer Graphics and Multimedia and TEMA Technologie Marketing AG (Virtual Reality) are involved.
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the project in the "Research for Civil Security" programme with approximately million euros. Using the latest technology, major incidents are to be depicted in a virtual world in order to be able to manage relief measures more quickly and more precisely. In the event of a major fire or an accident in an area that is difficult to access, 360-degree cameras mounted on drones will record the event, project it into a virtual world so that a tele-operations manager can check the scene of the accident sooner than otherwise possible, alert rescue resources appropriately, and thus support the operations management on site.
The project "preRESC - Data-based support for efficient and effective resource planning in emergency services" is a new, innovative research project funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) as part of the funding programme "Digital Model Regions in NRW".
The core objective of this project can be defined as ensuring nationwide emergency care and meeting the deadlines for assistance in the city of Aachen. To achieve this, it is necessary to analyse challenges, identify potentials and develop a suitable algorithm. A corresponding software prototype will enable a validation of the current demand planning and an optimised tactical-operational planning in favour of a more efficient resource disposition and the best possible quality of care.
IKIC - International Knowledge & Information Centre in Public Safety
In this teaching and research project, which is funded by InterReg to the tune of approximately million euros, a digital e-learning platform as well as joint training courses and so-called experience worlds with the most comprehensive information possible on cross-border cooperation in rescue services, civil protection and fire prevention will be established in order to give both the citizens in the region and the emergency services and administrative staff the opportunity to work together even better in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion.
The University Hospital RWTH Aachen and the Aachen professional fire brigade are involved as project partners.
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