"Dragolino - Science Quests not only for Kids"

4 years ago

Michael Etzbach

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DRAGOLINO “Science quests not only for kids”
Proposal for the ideas competition of the BMBF 2020
1. The challenge is complex related to kids (pupils) from 14 years:
a) To make school time highly interesting for pupils and at the same time b) to initiate sensibilty for Gaming Disorder triggers to create awareness that counteracts the increase in escapism, school rejection and virtual reality mania , c) counteracts the continued decline in interest in school teaching content, see PISA alarm in Germany in natural sciences and
Mathematics in Q 1/2020 and d) the integration of migrants in Europe improved. The learning method should combine digital-analog techniques and be cooperative. A successful solution requires the cooperation of students, teachers, scientists and the creative industry. Bringing these groups together is e) another challenge of its own.

2nd solution: Bring kids into nature with self-developed science games, B.
to play in geo-parks . Dragons appear in addictive PC games and in sagas and fairy tales around the world.
DRAGOLINO is a geo game that
brings kids into contact with this world of legends, fairy tales and the legends / fairy tales of their regional origin and opens up a world of experience that
encourages personal responsibility, team spirit and creativity and
provides socially relevant participation and a sense of achievement at an early stage . Schoolchildren use digital-analogue techniques in the
development and preparation of (not only) scientific teaching content for games.
You cooperate with coaches and teachers. Creating the game binds students
Teachers, scientists as actors. The game is carried out predominantly analogously to
z. B. in geo-parks. Teams of students play against each other. The teams
set each other tasks in the form of science quests, similar to conventional paper chases.
The starting point of the game design are attributions of dragon powers from the sagas /
Fairy tales that are diverse in Europe and around the world, as well as from geomancy. As an example: dragon power> solar storms> effects on earth and people for health and technology. Mechanisms of action and sagic processing can be discussed. When creating the quests, research results are also conveyed about the functioning of the addictive design of PC games. The implementation of these triggers in the quests is another challenge.

Area of ​​activity of DRAGOLINO as a game after own game development:
DRAGOLINO offers the opportunity to try out digital-analog learning techniques and to turn interesting scientific questions into your own games; in the long term, this will fundamentally change didactics. Game orientation is not only a motivational driver here but also means cooperative participation in the design of the lesson. This sets new standards of sustainability in sociological-ecological-economic research, because geomancy teaches holistic harmony with oneself, with fellow human beings and the environment. The project work required for this, in turn, offers the opportunity to impart methodological knowledge at an early stage and thus to train problem-solving skills independently of not only gives teens essential knowledge on how to deal with the explosion of knowledge, but also a lifelong sustainable orientation.
This game format combines in a unique way:
a) Sensitization for one's own roots in the region with the focus on
at least a European living context with the possibility of cultural exchange about
regional stories, fairy tales and legends.
b) The play-relatedness arouses the interest of the kids by organizing the lessons themselves.
c) This creates the basis for a long-term improvement of the conventional
educational establishment.
d) At the same time, a concrete elaboration of an expandable basis for the integration of
digital-analog-cooperative work techniques with connection to analog playability in schools is created.
e) The technical aspect of alternative lesson design can be used as a separate pilot project against the
background of the lifelong connection of analogue and
digitized co-working in schools, which can also be expected in the future .
f) In the long term, new professional fields will emerge, because participants in the first round can also continue to work
later, as coaches, mentors and assistants.
g) Kids get early access to the creative economy - opening up to entrepreneurship,
social participation and activity arises.
h) Awareness-scientific monitoring deepens the awareness for gaming disorder
supporting mechanisms (didactics, pedagogy, psychology). At the same time, essential scientific learning content from all areas can be didactically reprocessed.
i) School integration of migrants is made possible in a playable manner.
j) DRAGOLINO can (development of potential!) become a Europe-wide movement.
k) The educational landscape changes
significantly and sustainably with the cooperation of students and teachers through successive focus on sociological-ecological-economic relationships. New types of curriculum libraries are being created.
l) This gives sociological-ecological-economic research / citizen participation in education and research a completely different status.
m) Transhumanistic extreme developments are countered by sensitization. Integrative
and from school onwards.
n) Boundary areas of the sciences ( laser photography of molecules in the attosecond
range in quantum physics, holography) become known and interesting for young scientists at an early stage.
o) This also applies to comparative research in the historical
sciences , archeology and other sciences.

The above aspects that have an integral and integrative effect can also be used for university teaching and adult education. This results in enormous social transformation potential.

3. Implementation: How should it go on?
a) Formation of at least two core teams made up of students, teachers, coaches and scientists
at the same time initiation of a pilot project with German UNESCO schools or student groups.
b) Elaboration of the mentoring / coaching program on the basis of the already existing library of suggestions for developing game ideas. Determination of the payout structure and reward commitments (special prizes are awarded).
c) Communication of the game idea with politics, culture and economy, first in the country, then in the EU to sound out the potential for cooperation and
d) to investigate feasibility / identify obstacles to implementation and to
develop solutions for implementation.
e) Acquisition of sponsors to transfer the idea into an initially only EU-wide
TV format and the development of a game series for market readiness.
f) Development of support through didactics, sociology, ecology, cultural studies,
consciousness and occupational field research as well as other transdisciplinary sciences and
think tanks.



 Human Resources
 Environmental protection
 Education and Training
 Cultural heritage
 Culture and Development
 Climate Sciences

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