Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Graduated from the Department of English Language Teaching in 2001.
Years later, in 2018, he completed his master’s degree in Adult Education at Ankara University Institute of Educational Sciences. In 2001, he started teaching at the Ministry of National Education and changed his direction after a meeting he attended and in 2004 he decided to continue his education and youth activities as a European Union Projects Expert within the Ministry of National Education.
He transferred to the private sector after resigning (after 17 years 10 monts and 4 days) from governmental duties in İzmir Provincial Education Directorate after Ağrı Province with the same duty as R&D – Project Coordinator, Expert and after working as an Expert in Turkish National Agency for EU Education and Youth Programs between 2011-2018. While he was working in an international company as Area Manager he founded and still working in his own company named KIZANLIKLI Training Consultancy Coaching and Tourism Ltd.
He has taken part in different NGOs and social platforms as Steering Committee Member and Advisor and also taken roles in social works besides education and youth ; He took part in GIZ Turkey – Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit as the first National Consultant in appraisal mission. Also, he has completed Education Need Analysis works for Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate of European Affairs.
He received his Professional Coaching certificate by ICF- International Coaching his many national and international duties, he has been working as an advisor to Turkish-European NGOs Cooperation Council since November 2015. Besides all, he has taken part in planning and implementation steps of many national and international projects. At the same time, in more than 50 countries and 80 cities of Turkey he has attended national and international TV and radio programs as guest speaker and many seminars and symposiums and workshops as keynote speaker.
He completed his education as a participant in various topics as Institutional Development, Strategical Planning, Active Learning Methods and Techniques, Public Relations and Organisation, Project Planning Techniques, Education Methodologies of International Companies, Project Monitoring and Evaluating, Funding Programs, Project Management, Affective Presentation Skills, Statistical Analysis Evaluation, Monitoring and Affect Analysis, Process Management and Process Development, Meeting Management, Dealing with Hard Personalities in Offices, Reporting, 4 Basic Coaching Skills Modules-ICF, Team Coaching-ICF, Business Coaching-ICF, ICF ACTP Coaching Training, Training of Trainers, Enrepreneurship ;
He has concluded many Training Need Analysis works with different govermental and non-governmental institutions and still taking role as a keynote speaker and trainer for different institutions professionaly.