Korab Dibra
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
I, Korab Dibra located in Pristina, Kosovo worked in many EU funded projects, consultancies in Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), United Nations Development Programme, Kosovo Property Agency, UNHCR implementing partner organizations etc.
I am specialized in legal analysis, legal drafting in property law, gender equality law, asylum law, capacity building, trainings etc.
I possess intimate knowledge of Wester Balkan countries legal framework (Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosna & Herzegovina).
I have fourteen (14) years of experience applying the law in practice through analysis of inheritance claims processes in notary and municipal cadastral offices (MCOs) to develop the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) guideline Notarial Practices in Kosovo: Strengthening Gender Equality in Land Ownership and Control to enforce the control of women in property and land rights.He has also applied the Kosovo Property Agency’s (KPA) case law precedent and substantive property law to restitute immovable property to persons displaced during the conflict.
I possess excellent writing skills demonstrated in EU funded projects mainly assistance to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) drafting new Kosovo's Civil Code. I also wrote the Kosovo Country Profile included in the FAO’s Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD) contracted by GIZ International Office in Pristina that assesses the major political, legal, and cultural factors influencing the realization of women’s land rights globally. I also evaluated performance of Municipal Action Committees responsible inclusion of non-majority communities in Kosovo, in particular for provision of sustainable housing for Roma and Ashkali communities in line with the effective legislation and in drafting recommendations to improve performance.
I also served as a consultant for GIZ regional projects in Western Balkans, covering Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania and Bosna & Herzegovina in drafting legal documents with regard to women empowerment in property and land rights and drafting policy documents for prevention of sexual harassment in GIZ regional country offices in Western Balkans.
M.Sc., Civil Law, 2017, University of Pristina, Pristina, Kosovo
Bachelor of Law, 2011, University of Pristina, Pristina, Kosovo
GEOGRAPHIC EXPERIENCE: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia
LANGUAGES: Albanian (native), English (fluent), Serbian (fluent), Turkish (advanced), Croatian (advanced), Macedonian (proficient)
November 2021–Present, Legal Consultant, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Pristina, Kosovo. Provides technical inputs and supports development of GIZ’s Regional Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy compliant with international and and regional legislation and best practices, to be implemented in GIZ country offices in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia. Drafted standard operating procedures (SOPs) for and advised on the structure of GIZ’s Anti-Sexual Harassment Redressal Committee to resolve sexual harassment claims and provide remedies.
October 2019–November 2021, Legal Expert, GIZ, Pristina, Kosovo. Drafted updates to the Country Profile for Kosovo included in the FAO’s GLRD to include a thorough analysis of Kosovo’s policy and legal framework in relation to gender to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of gender equality in land tenure. Reviewed and applied the new FAO Legal Assessment Tool methodology to Kosovo’s policy and legal framework. Drafted the guideline Notarial Practices in Kosovo: Strengthening Gender Equality in Land Ownership and Control to enforce the women in control of property and land rights. Developed and delivered training to key notaries in Kosovo to apply the guideline in carrying out their duties.
August–December 2020, Consultant, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Pristina, Kosovo. Provided technical expertise to the Prime Minister’s Office for Good Governance in coordinating and evaluating the work of Municipal Action Committees and four government sectoral working groups tasked with implementing the Government of Kosovo’s Strategy for inclusion of Communities, particularly the support made available to Kosovo’s Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities. Evaluated performance of Municipal Action Committees responsible for documentation of lessons learned and best practices related to performance improvement recommendations. Prepared content for the Office for Good Governance’s website to inform members of the three communities of progress to date.
March–August 2020, Junior Legal Expert, Support to Free Legal Professions in Kosovo Project, European Union (EU), Kosovo Legal Services Company. Conducted legal reviews and provided expert analyses of Kosovo’s new Law on Notary, Statute of the Notary Chamber, Regulation of the Internal Organization of the MoJ, and Law on Mediation. Developed by-laws for the Division for Overseeing the Legality of the Work of Free Legal Professions to guide consistent implementation of its mandate and methodologies for monitoring mediator performance. Assessed the Chamber of Notaries’ work and provided recommendations for improving transparency and efficiency.
June 2018–June 2021, Senior Reception/Monitoring Officer, Civil Rights Program in Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo. Drafted reception SOPs to implement the new Law on Asylum and monitored delivery of services to asylum seekers and refugees. Updated and coordinated implementation of SOPs for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) implementing partners to help prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence. Implemented referral and protection mechanisms and provided legal information and counseling to asylum seekers on their rights and obligations. Advised on improving reception facilities’ processes to identify and address children’s needs and ensure that their best interests are safeguarded. Delivered trainings to eligibility officers and detention center staff on detention policies, procedures, and rules in accordance with international standards. Advocated for alternatives to detention in line with the UNHCR Policy on Detention Monitoring.
April–July 2017, National Consultant on Displacement and Durable Solutions in the Western Balkans Balkans and Property Rights, OSCE, Pristina, Kosovo. Served as a subject matter expert in human and community rights. Coordinated support from OSCE’s Missions in Belgrade, Podgorica, and Skopje; the UNHCR; and the EU for implementation of commitments made in the Joint Communiqué issued at the High-Level Regional Conference on Durable Solutions for Displaced Persons from Kosovo. Supported Kosovo’s Ministry for Communities and Returns to implement action points from the Technical Working Group on Security, Dialogue, and Reintegration. Produced analysis and reports assessing progress, helped raise awareness, and monitored media coverage of the regional initiative.
April–July 2016, Legal Expert, GIZ, Pristina, Kosovo. Assessed the policy and legal framework for gender equality and land rights in Kosovo using the FAO’s Legal Assessment Tool to identify strengths and weaknesses. Presented findings at regional workshops to validate and disseminate observations. Developed Kosovo’s property and land rights country profile.
September 2014-May 2016, Junior Legal Expert, Kosovo Legal Services Company (KLSC), Pristina, Kosovo. as part of the GIZ International Services consortium that implemented the EU-funded Support to Civil Code and Property Rights Project. As Junior Legal Expert, assisted the MoJ to draft the property rights section of the new Civil Code. Compiled all existing Kosovo laws related to property rights (including family and contract laws), analyzed the impacts of compiling them into a single property rights “book” under the Civil Code, and assessed their provisions against European legal standards and best practices to identify inconsistencies and gaps. Assisted the MoJ to develop strategies and methodologies to simplify and harmonize drafting of all legislation.
July 2015 – February 2016, promoted in the position of a coordinator in the same EU funded project as above. Assisted in the organization and coordination of subgroup meetings. Served as a point of contact between the Team Leader and other key experts and the Chairman of the subgroup and its members. Prepared and maintained detailed meeting records, including drafts of the Civil Code, meeting notes, attendance sheets, legal opinions, and memos.
March 2012–May 2018, Legal Officer, KPA, Pristina, Kosovo. The KPA was mandated to implement mass adjudication procedures to resolve more than 40,000 claims and provide remedies for immovable property rights lost because of displacement during the conflict or discriminatory legislation enacted by the former regime prior to the conflict. Conducted legal research and analysis, assessed documentary evidence, and prepared draft decisions for the Kosovo Property Claims Commission (KPCC) that applied case precedent interpreting Kosovo legislation as the legal basis for ordering restitution or compensation for rights lost. Supported enforcement and implementation of KPCC decisions including allocation of vacant residential properties as part of the KPA Rental Scheme. Presented and argued cases before the KPCC and courts.
July 2011–February 2012, Senior Administrative Assistant, KPA, Pristina, Kosovo. Provided technical expertise and managerial support to an 6-persons in a regional team to verify property rights claim documentation on behalf of the KPCC. Conducted interviews with and advised claimants on property rights legislation. Supported management of KPA’s inventory of provided advisory to citizens on Kosovo housing and property rights. Managed an inventory of vacant residential properties.
May–December 2010, Program Assistant, OSCE, Pristina, Kosovo. Supported the Department for Human Rights and Communities’ monitoring activities. Conducted research and interviews, gathered information, conducted analysis, produced reports, and identified suggested remedies for human rights complaints lodged at the OSCE. Assisted in the organization of meetings between municipal representatives and international organizations to discuss human rights and local governance.
April 2008–May 2010, Senior Verification Assistant, KPA, Pristina, Kosovo. Responsible for determining relevancy of property claims documentation and preparing final property verification reports for the KPCC in accordance with KPA operational procedures.
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Capacity Building
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Gender Equality
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Civil Law
Legal Writing
Migrants and Refugees
Human Rights
3 years ago
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