RDA Backa, Nikolina Pupavac
The Regional Development Agency Backa (RDA Backa) was established on April 28th 2010 in Novi Sad, in accordance with the Law on Regional Development.
The founders of the Development Agency are sixteen local self-govermnents on the Backa territory, the municipalities of: Bac, Backa Palanka, Backi Petrovac, Beocin, Becej, Srbobran, Sremski Karlovci, Odžaci, Kula, Vrbas, Titel, Žabalj, Apatin, Temerin, as well as the cities of Novi Sad and Sombor.
Cultivating the principle of public-private partnership, other entities from public and private sector have joined RDA Backa as founders: Slovan Progres - Selenča, I2R Ltd. Novi Sad, the European Movement in Serbia - Novi Sad, Center for Organic Production - Selenča.
The Regional Development Agency Backa, in total, has 20 founders.
The initiative for the establishment of RDA Backa has been launched by the local self-goverments in Backa, in order to jointly cooperate and implement the projects, through domestic and foreign programmes, with the aim of empowering the local self-governments and improving the general socio-economic development of the territory in which they operate.
The main activities of this institution are strengthening of the institutional capacities of the local authorities, improvement and support in the implementation of the development programmes and projects at the local and regional level, strengthening of human capital through training and professional development programmes, and particularly strengthening in the area of small and medium enterprises, project management, as well as support to the agriculture development, tourism development and other sectors related to the improvement of socio-economic development of the territory in which it operates.