Katia De Gennaro
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
I am a journalist and translator and have additional training in project managing (certification in 2010) and coaching (this training is in progress and will end in December 2022).
For most of my professional life I worked as a journalist for radio stations (the Italian broadcasting corporation RAI and the Austrian public radio ORF) and for ANSA (the main Italian news agency). From 2007 to 2015 I was a public relations, content and project manager for Raiffeisen OnLine, an internet and service provider based in Bolzano (Italy). In 2016 I became a free lance jourmalist and transaltor (German-Italian, Italian-German) as well as moderator and host of public events. From 2018 to 2020 I joined the EU Metamorphosis project (Horizon 2020) as a communication manager. Since February 2022 I am attending a coaching course in Bologna (Italy) operated by the AICIS Oltre association that will end in December 2022.
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New Media
Cross-border cooperation
Project Management
2 years ago
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