Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is a private non-profit research foundation recognized internationally, established by the government of the Autonomous Province of Trento. It is organized in different Research Centers conducting research in several areas, including information and communication, advanced materials and microsystems, theoretical and nuclear physics and mathematical research, artificial intelligence, sensing, and the humanities. The goal is to conduct excellent research and foster the implementation of software systems, experimentation in realistic settings, field validation through living labs and industrial applications, and to bring high impact to the market and society. In addition, FBK carries out its mission through the dissemination and publication of results and technology transfer to companies and public agencies. The Center for Digital Industry (DI Center - ) focuses its research on digital technologies for the various domains in industry (e.g., manufacturing, aerospace, railway, automotive, energy, agriculture, manufacturing, etc.). Relevant applications are critical systems, adaptive and autonomous systems, advanced perception, diagnostics, quality control and prediction systems. Also, other areas of interest include precision farming, robotics, metrology, cultural heritage (in particular 3D modeling) and geomatics. Key technology assets include Deep learning, Optical metrology, Vision, Model-based design, Planning, Scheduling, IoT, Edge intelligence.