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Kalamata Second Chance School was founded in 2005. It fights social exclusion and this is the reason why we offer psychological and career counselling for trainees. It belongs to the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs and is supported by the Youth and Lifelong Learning Institute. The curriculum is flexible and open, adapted to the interests and needs of learners, thus ensuring their active participation. The trainees' experiences are of great importance and essential to the course.
The total duration of the training program is 2 years. After successful completion trainees are awarded with a certificate equivalent to that of the Primary and the Lower Secondary School leaving certificate. The weekly program is 25 hours and courses take place in the afternoon starting at , from Monday to Friday.
Kalamata Second Chance School is a public school for adults, , people 18 years old and over, who, in some point in life abandoned school and have now returned to complete the secondary education.
Learners from all walks of life are entitled to come to this school as for example older learners, migrants, women, learners at risk of social exclusion and in general every citizen who needs to acquire the secondary school diploma and at the same time to adjust more effectively to the wider social environment.
Second Chance Schools constitute a European program developed to combat social exclusion. The objectives of Second Chance Schools are:
• reconnection of learners with education and training systems and completion of compulsory education
• building a positive attitude towards learning,
• acquisition of modern knowledge and skills,
• strengthening personality by building confidence and self esteem
• access to the labour market and improving trainees’ position in the field of their work
Throughout Greece there are 58 Second Chance Schools.
Trainers- trainees
The school has about 60-80 trainees per year.
Teachers are all highly-skilled in adult education with high qualifications and long-term learning experience. There is a basic core of permanent staff and the rest are hourly paid teaching staff hired every year by the state to cover school needs.
The services of the programme
The courses being taught are:
- Greek Language
- Mathematics
- English Language
- Information Technology
- Social Education
- Environmental Education
- Physical Sciences
- Cultural - Aesthetic Education
The innovation of the Second Chance Schools consists in forming consultancy services, including a Career Adviser and an Educational Psychologist.
Particular emphasis is placed upon the acquisition and development of basic skills, competences and general knowledge, the use of new technologies, learning a foreign language, counselling and vocational guidance, in order to significantly improve the access to the labour market.
Project in progress
Erasmus+ KA2 project titled “ Neuroandragogy against exclusion” 2017-1-PL01- KA204-038442
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Education and Training
Adult Learning
Lifelong Learning
6 years ago
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