George Karabatos

: Mar 11, 2016

Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Me

The «Routes of the Olive Tree» are itineraries of intercultural dialogue and sustainable development, framed with cultural events and various activities around the Mediterranean of the olive tree. Our objective is to internationally valorize the regions around the Mediterranean through innovative actions on the olive tree civilization. The activities framing our itineraries are implemented by the Network and the Cultural Foundation «Routes of the Olive Tree», a civil non- profit foundation based in Kalamata, Greece, which, since 2003, has been materializing alternative proposals around the theme of culture and sustainable development. In this regard, it brings together, develops and promotes this rich cultural heritage through time and space in an imaginative, respectful and efficient way.

These successful itineraries are framed with exhibitions, cultural and business meetings, social activities, conventions, contests, as well as research and publications around the history, symbolism, culture and value of the olive tree.

The cultural agenda of the Cultural Foundation is implemented with the cooperation of a Scientific Committee and many international organizations, universities and bodies in over 22 countries.

Today, the Routes of the Olive Tree network includes more than 100 members, state and regional economic and cultural development bodies, universities, NGOs, Chambers of Commerce etc.

The Cultural Itineraries «Routes of the Olive Tree» was recognized by UNESCO (166e ExCo) as «International Cultural Route of Intercultural Dialogue & Sustainable Development» in 2003 and by the Council of Europe as «European Cultural Route» in 2005.

In summary, our experience related to the activities of the project are as follows:

1. Creation of thematic cultural routes in olive-growing regions of the Adriatic-Ionian and southern Europe with alternative proposals for young people.

2. Organization of workshops for different types of audiences with topics related to its subject of activity

3. Organizing “Information Days’’ for young people to raise their awareness of the healthy Mediterranean diet and its adoption in their eating habits

services, which combine training and transfer of experience to young people as well as economic / cultural development agencies, and mobilization of expertise,

5. Reception of postgraduate students from Universities of Europe for the realization of their internship (master 1, master 2) with topics related to our subject, such as: cultural management, cultural heritage management, cultural tourism, cultural routes etc.

6. Reception, hospitality of young volunteers to participate in our activities by providing relevant services

7. Communication and networking with Youth Organizations and Youth Centres at local, regional and European level.

8. Active participation in Youth Festivals and other events organized on the initiative of Youth Organizations ( Kalamata Youth Center)

In terms of experience, the Routes of the Olive Tree Network has hitherto organized numerous cultural routes, international conferences, events and workshops for the youth and the general public on a variety of topics, cultural, gastronomic tourism, gastronomic culture, olive tree culture etc. In particular, it has organized numerous cultural routes for the discovery / promotion of Mediterranean olive culture in olive-growing regions / countries and in non-oil producing countries (Scandinavian and Baltic countries, Central Asia), international conferences, forums and events for the general public.

Keywords and matching areas:

 Sustainable Development
 Youth Exchanges
 Cultural heritage
 Cultural Management
 Culture and Development
 European Union
 Human Rights

Ideas in Progress

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