Ioannis Giavasis
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
I am an Associate Professor of Food Microbiology and Microbial Fermentations at the University of Thessaly, Greece, Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition.
My main research interests and activities include (a) Natural Antimicrobials in relation to food safety & preservation, (b) Biological protection of food using bacteriocins or bacteriocin-producing bacteria, Bdellovibrios, phages, (c) probiotics and prebiotics, (d) medicinal mushrooms/fungi (submerged culture and properties), (e) microbial polysaccharides, (f) edible mycoprotein and single cell protein production, (g) bioprocess control and optimization, (h) agroindustrial waste utilization-valorization.
Projects in progress (2020):
1) European INTERREG program INNODAIRY, regarding the utilization of olive mill, wine-making and dairy waste as novel animal feed (silage) in cattle. Optimization of silage production and beneficial effects on intestinal microbiota and meat/milk microflora and quality.
2) Another similar Greek-EU program INNODAIRY has just began, in order to investigate the use of olive fruit and pomegranate peel polyphenols on chicken health, intestinal microflora and meat quality.
2) Greek - EU funded program NANOBIOPACK regarding the formation of antimicrobial packaging films and coating for improved food safety/preservation
3) Greek - EU funded program OPTIPASTRY regarding the use of time-temperature indicators and novel natural antimicrobials in fresh pastry products.
4) MYCOWOOD has also just started, which refers to the utilization of mushroom substrates and wood chips infected with fungi, in order to produce novel products wood products, alternatives of hard 0plastic, ;
5) Optimization of process conditions and substrate composition for the submerged cultivation of probiotic bacteria and yeasts (with Private Industrial Funding).
6) Novel disinfectants for the replacement of chorine in potable / industrial water (with Private Industrial Funding)
7) Investigation of meat quality (chemial, physicochemical, microbiological, dietary), as a function of cattle race, degree of grazing, geographical area, etc in Greece (with combined Private and State Funding).
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Fisheries and Food
Food Safety
Biological Sciences
4 years ago
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