Fundación Cibervoluntarios

: Jan 17, 2024

Looking for Partnership
About Me

Fundación Cibervoluntarios is a pioneering organisation in technological volunteering, whose objective is to alleviate social gaps, generate social innovation and citizen empowerment, promote Human Rights and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, through the social use of ICT. 

To achieve this, the Foundation works with a network of more than 2,800 cybervolunteers and collaborates with more than 2.000 national and international entities and organisations. Through their activities, we reach 90,000 people annually. A trajectory that has been recognized by the Financial Times as one of the 100 entities leading Digital Transformation in Europe and more recently by FORBES Magazine as one of the "Other 100 Greatest Fortunes in Spain”. 


FIELDS of digital transformation, innovation and education for social change: vulnerable groups (gender, migrants, youth and childhood, ageing), citizenship, active participation in decision-making, testing and validating user-perspective tools, UX-UI dissemination and communication, exploitation, training pilots, digital platforms and toolboxes.  


Keywords and matching areas:

 Social Innovation
 Digital Agenda for Europe
 Education and Training
 Digital Society

Ideas in Progress

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