Looking for last consortium partner - Erasmus+ KA220 Youth 5th of March

1 year ago

Fundación Cibervoluntarios

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

DIGIFY (Digital Innovation for Growth and Inclusion through Future-ready Youth). Our initiative aims to empower youngsters (16-26 years old) to cultivate the confidence and skills essential for thriving in the digital economy as well as promoting young people’s sense of initiative and social entrepreneuship.

DIGIFY aims to create interactive training modules accessible from an eLearning platform to help young people develop both the digital confidence and skills crucial to navigate their future working environments. The overall aim is to empower individuals to be employable in a digital economy, stimulate their sense of initiative and social entrepreneurship.

In addition, we aim to create highly engaging face-to-face events, where young people can train and exchange ideas with other individuals, fostering the values of entrepreneurship. 

We are especially looking for YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS in the countries of: Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia to lead the communications campaign. 

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Social Innovation
 Digital Agenda for Europe
 Education and Training
 Youth Workers
 Digital Society

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