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EDUNET” Organization, a Romanian NGO aiming to provide services and resources for promoting lifelong education, for supporting professional education, education for active citizenship and for lasting development.
EDUNET develops offers of formal, non-formal and informal learning: activities of vocational education and training; solutions of learning foreign languages and developing the digital competences; activities of supporting the adults for achieving the abilities and competences necessary to personal development and for professional integration and active citizenship.
Since 2011, EDUNET has two vocational nursing schools, authorized by Romanian Ministry of Education and is authorized by Romanian Ministry of Education and Ministry of the Work as adult professional training provider for foreign languages as well as for professional qualification of Elderly Caregivers in Home .
Eduent also provide support of other school and educational organizations for European cooperation, quality training and smooth transition from school to active life.
Since 2008, EDUNET developed many European educational projects, as promoter or partner and supported the implementation or the European projects for other organizations.
Together with Middlesex University of London, EDUNET was the promoter of the initiative of developing a European Model for inter-cultural education of nurses, the PPT / IENE model ) , starting with the LLP Leonardo da Vinci Partnership project, IENE1 "Intercultural Education of Nurses and medical staff in Europe" (2008-2010), continued with the Leonardo TOI project, IENE2(2010-2012), Leonardo- Partnerships for Learning project project, IENE 3 "Tools for intecultutal education of nurses in Europe" (2013-2015) , Erasmus + VET Strategic Partnership projects , IENE 4"Strengthening the nurses and health care professionals' capacity to Deliver culturally compassionate care " , IENE 5 "Training health care teams in intercultural communication and patient safety " and IENE 6 "Contemporary large migration waves into Europe: Enabling health workers to provide psychological support to migrants and refugees and develop strategies for dealing with their own emotional needs" , coordinated by Middlesex University in London and IENE 7” Improving communication, intercultural and social skills for foreigners and migrants who work as caregivers of elderly people in Europe” , started in September 2017, which is coordinated by EDUNET.
Some implemented projects addressed the social cohesion, fighting the social exclusion, increasing the access to education and development of vulnerable groups, migrants, people from disadvantaged areas and from the rural area like : Promoting migrants’ participation, Empowering Marginalized Elders, Ageing Well, and DSSD: digital skills for seniors and disabled "Improving digital skills of European citizens seniors and disabled: a work program", Contemporary large migration waves into Europe: Enabling health workers to provide psychological support to migrants and refugees and develop strategies for dealing with their own emotional needs.
In 2015-2017 , Edunet coordinated the project Ersmus + EIBI -European Incubator for Business Ideas and created together with seven partners from six European countries an innovative European Training Model, focused on the disadvantaged groups, aiming for developing the business ideas and putting them into practice.
The EIBI Model combines online learning using the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and face to face training based on project collaboration, peer-learning, guidance, coaching and counseling. More information on the project website
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Education and Training
7 years ago
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