Asociația Tinerii 3D
Looking for Partnership
Asociația “Tinerii 3D” (The Association of 3D Youngsters) is a NGO from Craiova, Romania existing since 2012, registered January 2013. We are a group of young who is fighting for respecting the right of the young people in the community, for social integration and support of the youngsters that below to disadvantaged social groups and also for to develop a healthy way of life in 3Directions: education for the mind, culture for the soul and sport for the body. Between our objectives you can found promoting volunteering work, promoting creativity, gender equality and non-racist prejudices, exploring national and other countries culture, organising sport contests, promoting the principles of European Union and European citizenship.
Primarily work with young people’s attitudes towards society and community by encouraging “good deeds” and volunteering through the organizations and collaborations in various workshops, seminars, trainings, camps, festivals locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, on a variety of topics relating to young people and their problems. Not to forget promoting Romania’s image in the world,because it is and should be important for our beautiful country to be seen and be appreciated by its value.
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Rural Development
Education and Training
Youth Exchanges
European Voluntary Services
Culture and Development
8 years ago
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