Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo Mesto)
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo Mesto) is Slovenian non-governmental and humanitarian organisation, working in the public interest in the area of social care, youth and culture.
DRPDNM is skilled in local, regional, national and international projects as it deals with projects funded by local, national and EU programmes and funds (ESF, EACEA, EIDHR, EYF, E+, CEI, IPA, BIFC,JUST, H2020, DAPHNE III, INTERREG, INTERREG MED, INTERREG DANUBE, CENTRAL ALPINE SPACE, EuropeAid...).
We also successfully collaborate with local, regional, national and EU authorities, universities, high schools, secundary and primary schools, chambers, clusters, agriculture and tourism institutes, cultural institutions, research institutions, Slovenian and foreign enterprises, international organisations...
We have 22 years of experience in education, youth, citizens employability and entrepreneurship empowerment, environment, international cooperation, combat poverty, unemployment, disadvantaged groups empowerment, research, training and any other activities that serve the goals of your projects. In last three years we have cooperated on 5 Europe for citizens projects, where the central topic was democracy and citizens participation. We are also a member organisation of Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA)(CE, Strasbourg) and 3 E+ projects + 2 EVS hosting every year.
We also successfully collaborate with local governments, universities, high schools, secundary and primary schools, agriculture and tourism institutes, cultural institutions, research institutions, Slovenian and foreign enterprises.
We are skilled of actions mentioned in your proposal as we coordinated plenty of educational programs for youth, ...
Contribute to a more inclusive and open society for all.
Our mission is realized with the integration of socially excluded groups and by encouraging the development of non-governmental organizations and civil dialogue.
All our activities are carried out in a professional and volunteer work with involvement of the general public and thereby we promote the values of solidarity, tolerance, volunteering, intercultural dialogue, direct democracy and sustainable development.
Become a facilitator of key actors relevant to the process of building an inclusive society.
The association will, on the basis of past experience, with all sectors develop in the direction of becoming a strong and recognizable contact point of reference that will be integrated supplying all the key actors involved in the process ofbuilding an inclusive society (from the general public to public institutions, local authorities, NGOs, business and excluded groups) with information, knowledge, advice, ideas and possibilities of integration.
Strategic objectives
1. To provide a team of professionally trained workers employed for a number of years to ensure the continuity of the programmes and to expand voluntary work.
2. To increase the visibility of our Organization for key stakeholders (NGOs, public administration, economy, socially excluded groups) and to establish cooperation with them.
3. Empowerment of the narrower key stakeholders (young people, socially excluded and NGOs).
Programs to achieve our mission
A. The integration of socially excluded groups
a) Day centre for children (migrants)
b) Day centre for Roma children (Day Centre Brezje, Day Centre Šmihel)
c) Promotion of intercultural dialogue
B. Promote the development of non-governmental organizations and civil dialogue
1. Regional NGO Centre
C. Supporting activities (Raising public awareness , Training and education for volunteering and active citizenship, Promoting volunteering and active citizenship, Cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations at local and national level International cooperation
Our target group are children and adults who have difficulties in social integration (Roma, foreigners, the poor and socially excluded ...), young people, NGOs and the general public.
Our mission is to contribute to more inclusive and open society for all. Our two leading programs therefore deal with inclusion of socially excluded groups and with the stimulation of the NGO development and civil dialogue. Our activities within the programs are performed by expert and voluntary work. We promote the values of solidarity, tolerance, voluntarism, active living, clean environment, citizenship awareness, social entrepreneurship and inter-cultural dialogue, ...
Promotion and development of voluntary work is the method running underneath all of our programs and activities. We promote voluntary work and youth empowerment in the areas of social work, education, culture, art, sport, intergenerational cooperation, human rights, migrations, migrants, advocacy, gender issues, active citizenship, international NGO cooperation, health, environmental issues, social entrepreneurship, NGO consulting, development and support, ...
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Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Start Up
Social Innovation
Social Affaires and Inclusion
Development and Cooperation
Education and Training
Horizon Europe
International Project Management
Sociology and Economic Research
9 years ago
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