Experienced Senior Advisor with a demonstrated history of working in International cooperation, EU Grants, negotiation process, business planning, sales, Management of EU project in Rural development, Cultural heritage, Tourism, Public affairs, Business centre for investments (FDI) in Croatia
Member of Croatian Network for Rural development
In EU Grants from 2010 as the Project finance advisor, EU training Event ;From 2013 Senior advisor in State administration for ESI Funds - ESF ( European social fund) - Programing and analyses ( in process included EU and Croatian legislative analysis and implementation according to Partnership Agreement ESF Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020, Institutional framework for ESI funds implementations, Cost eligibility regulations, Communication strategy, Visibility and Monitoring of project in Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion ( Monitoring of IPA project implementation ( Goods supply), Risk management ( monitor and alert of possible risks in projects according to PRAG, VAT monitoring and reports
Analyses of feasibility studies for projects in Regional Competitiveness OP, Analyses for project’s programing