Development Agency of Una-Sana Canton Bihać
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Development Agency of Una-Sana Canton Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina) was established in order to contribute to economic development of Una Sana Canton and northwest BiH, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development by creating conditions that will enable strengthening of competitiveness and achieving development potential in order to provide support to less developed areas and increase the optimal use of the development potential. Accordingly, DA USC implements programs, projects, and activities in the areas of entrepreneurship development, human resources, agriculture, infrastructure, tourism and energy and through:
• participation in EU Programs
• implementation of projects funded by the EU and other donors
• identification of new development opportunities
• defining regional strategies (coordinated creation of Development Strategy of Una Sana Canton 2014-2020)
• performing activities of regional marketing
• aiding and directing development of businesses through education, business consulting and project management
• attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
• development of business zones and incubators, innovations and technology parks
• development of rural areas and tourism
• market research and examination of public opinion
• development of financial measures of supporting entrepreneurship development
• establishment of cooperation with domestic and international institutions with the objective of regional development.
RAUSK thematic competences and experiences relevant for the project:
and holding of trainings (for public, private and NGO sector)
2. Application of innovative business models
3. Coordination of creation of Development Strategy of Una Sana Canton 2014-2020
4. Contributing to development and promotion of tourism offer of the Una-Sana Canton
DAUSC successfully completed implementation of 4 EU-funded projects:
- “Sustainable tourism management of Adriatic HERitage-HERA” – IPA Adriatic Programme,
- “BEE PROMOTED” – CBC Croatia-BiH Programme,
- “New finance for energy efficiency measures in public buildings-New Finance”- Interreg Mediterranean 2014-2020Programme,-
Currently we are implementing five EU-funded projects as follows:
- Eco-Mediterranean Business Reinforcing Agro Circular Economy – - Interreg Mediterranean 2014-2020 Programme,
- Heating communities with renewable energy – RENEW HEAT – IPA CBC Croatia-BiH-Montenegro,
- Business, Innovation and Technology Network - BIT NET – COSME Programme,
- New Danubian Governance in Labour market Relevance of Higher Education – EDU- LAB - Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
- Ecological sustainable Governance of Mediterranean protected Areas via improved Scientific, Technical and Managerial Knowledge Base -EcoSUSTAIN
Besides, we are implementing projects funded by other donors such as: USAID, UNDP, Save the Children, Business Innovation Programs (BIP) Norway, Government of the Una-Sana Canton, Federal Employment office etc.
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Improve the use of solar energy for the production of electrical energy
Business Support Organisation
Low-Carbon Technology
Renewable Energy
6 years ago
Interested in a Partnership (Development Agency of Una-Sana Canton Bihać)
Business Support Organisation
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Capacity Building
Energy Efficiency
Adult Learning
Cultural heritage
EU Strategy Danube Region
6 years ago
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