Green Infrastructure Ltd.
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
Green Infrastructure Ltd. (SME) was founded in the beginning of 2016. The purpose of the new SME was to focus on research and development and knowledge transfer between scientific achievements and industry, in the area of “green infrastructure” in its broad sense. During three years of presence on the market, with more than 80 successfully finished projects, both commercial and R&D, on a national and international level, Green Infrastructure Ltd. became a leading licensed environmental multidisciplinary consultancy/research institute in Croatia, capable of providing solutions to increasingly complex challenges in the areas of nature and environment protection, sustainable management of natural resources as well as adaptation to climate change.
Green Infrastructure fields of activities include:
- Environmental and Nature analysis and assessments, research, inventories and monitoring.
- Environmental (climatological, hydrological and hydrodynamical) modeling, geostatistics, spatio-temporal modeling and raster GIS (including analysis of data gathered by remote sensing).
- Natural resource management (including spatial planning, agriculture, forestry and game management).
- Landscape architecture analysis, planning and design.
- Environmental Medicine (Environmental, animal and human biomonitoring: Assessment and management of risks; Teaming, coordination and management of multidisciplinary scientific research teams; Development and implementation of informative, educative and training programs in the field of Environmental medicine/Industrial ecology
Our interdisciplinary team consists of currently fifteen full time employees, of which two with PhD degree, 3 on doctoral study and other with master degrees, with close link to academic community. Several employments are also planned in near future to complete interdisciplinary backgrounds of our staff, comprising biology/ecology, forestry, physics/geophysics, geology, landscape architecture, architecture and environmental chemistry. Our employees have a range of certifications relevant to our work – project management professional (by Project management Institute, USA), certified landscape architect, certified forestry engineer, certification for independent geological researches, certified divers. Our staff has, other than performing their regular duties, published several dozens of professional research papers on natural and biotechnical sciences at an international level and has participated in numerous science congresses and professional scientific conferences.
Most of our currently 15 experts gathered their experience working for more than 10 years in other companies, in the area of environment and nature protection, resource management, energy efficiency, etc., participating or leading both commercial and R&D projects.