Czech Chamber of Commerce
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The Czech Chamber of Commerce is an entity representing the entrepreneurial public. It protects the interests of its members – small, medium and large enterprises associated in a network of regional chambers and trade associations. Membership in the HKCR is voluntary; currently the organization represents more the 14000 companies.
Czech Chamber of Commerce has a direct communication line to the state administration, local authorities, representatives of occupational unions and association, the unions as well as the entrepreneurs and companies. The Czech Chamber of Commerce employs and cooperates with experts in the field of education and labour market as well as the legislative experts who advice and define drafts of comments on proposed legislation as a part of interdepartmental review procedure.
In the field of education, the Czech Chamber of Commerce plays active role as a member of:
1. Accreditation Commission for professional re-qualification enables HKCR to influence directly the quality and offers of re- qualification programs of Labour Offices;
2. Accreditation Commission for High School (College) Education enables HKCR to influence directly the quality and content of education programs of High Schools (Colleges) in the Czech Republic;
3. Involvement of HKCR in Operational Programme for Education for competitive strength implemented by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. This enables Chambers of Commerce in the Czech Republic to qualify as applicants for financing of projects and to influence the projects of the basic education.
As a member of a consortium with the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, the Czech Chamber of Commerce is an owner and a builder of the National Register of Qualifications, a public register of complete and partial qualifications including assessement standards (today up qualificat NRQ is 202636 persons). The qualifications are drafted by employers and based on current labour market trends and needs. The whole system is underpinned by by the act 179/2006 on Recognition and Validation of continuing education results. The register also supports the development of educational programmes leading o qualifications and integration of initial and continuing education.