Zdenek Rod
Looking for Extra EU Funds
Zdeněk Rod is a research fellow and PhD candidate at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Department of Politics and International Relations. He is also a deputy executive director at the Centre for Security Analysis and Prevention in Prague, a fellow at the International Republican Institute within the Transatlantic Security Initiative, a research fellow at the German policy think-tank EuropaNova Germany and a research and teaching fellow at Ambis University. He focuses on security studies problematique. His PhD thesis focuses on implementing security-development nexus approaches in a post-conflict environment. He has also studied at universities in Ljubljana, Budapest, and European Security and Defence Colleague in Brussels, and conducted several research visits, for instance, to the NATO CIMIC Centre of Excellence in the Hague. He worked at the Czech Ministry of Defence. He also published and co-authored several academics, such as Latin American Policy or the Czech Journal of International Relations, and non-academic articles in Visegrad Insight, Austria Institut Für Europa Und Sicherheitspolitik or Atlantic Forum.