Consorzio Materahub Industrie Culturali e Creative
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Materahub is an aggregator of people and business, a “space” where they meet, encourage the creation of new job opportunities and the promotion of sustainable development.
Through materahub different subjects provide their expertise and ideas to valorise the local and regional community, which becomes the starting point and meeting place of national and international creative realities related to the HUB. For this reason, materahub provides spaces and resources, links and knowledge, talents, opportunities and investments to help people to turn ideas into reality.
Materahub’s primary objective is a better quality of life, made of the rediscovery of traditional values and innovative solutions to emerging needs, with culture and creativity at the center of each project.
Materahub promote know-how exchange and coworking activities, within its “officine”, with the aim to create and plan, through hubber’s work, creative yards in which give birth to new projects. Learning processes are vital for the development and empowerment of creativity and related skills, so materahub promotes new methodologies where creativity is used to make the learning path easier and much more participated by trainees/learners.
In a historical and social context in which the only sectors that enjoy growth and prosperity are those of culture and creative enterprise, the best way to look at the future is the development of a economy of culture: an alternative way for each community who wants to exploit its skills and distinguishing social, cultural and environmental factors solving critical problems like youth unemployment and brain drain.
ring the last three years, the focus of materahub’s activities has been on:
- Promoting entrepreneurship as a mean for local development based on sustainability, social innovation and valorisation of local heritage material and immaterial
- Entrepreneurship Education for young entrepreneurs, wanna-be entrepreneurs, students through mentoring initiatives (in particular tailored on CCS)
- Business development supporting start ups specifically in the creative and cultural sector but also on tourism and other sectors
- Support to start ups and business incubators in connecting with other European experiences to be taken as benchmark
- Promotion of new models of economy based on social enterprise, social innovation and sharing economy
- Supporting Creative and Cultural operators to transform their projects into sustainable economic activities
- Promoting Cross Fertilization of Creative and Cultural Industries and traditional economic sectors to activate and foster innovation and new economic opportunities
- Supporting Creative and Cultural industries in Italy to be recognized by policy makers and receive adequate support in terms of public funding and public policies
- Supporting Creative and Cultural industries in South of Italy to become aware of their role in local sustainable development
- Supporting Cultural Centres at regional level to connect and enter into EU networks to promote competencies, resources and people exchanges
- Promotion of local cultural heritage and development of innovative approaches on safeguard, restoration and valorisation
- Promotion of new tourism models based on the interaction of tourism with creativity and culture and every day life of citizens
- Support to local food industry and food clusters to activate projects of internationalization of “Made in Italy” by joining efforts and productions
- ICT applied to Cultural sector