Fabrizio Cillo
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Dr. Fabrizio Cillo, PhD, is since December 2001 a research scientist at the CNR, Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (previously at CNR - Institute of Plant Virology). His main research projects include: the biological and molecular characterisation of plant viruses, with a major focus on vegetable viruses; assessment of plant virus resistance in transgenic plants; characterisation of RNA silencing mediated defense mechanisms in virus-infected plants, in transgenic plants and by virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) of endogenous host transcripts; identification of tomato host factors involved in the susceptibility to viruses, by genome-wide transcriptomics and more focused gene expression approaches; use of wild Solanum accessions for the identification of host factors (genes/traits) involved in the susceptibility to viruses.
He has been in charge of several national and international research projects and is author of numerous scientific papers on peer-reviewed international journals