Luigi Moretti
In the last years I have lived as a comic book superhero (though not a world saver): I acted as a student of medicine and surgery at day time and the night as a founder and administrator of a couple of innovative projects: Climb3D (by FabCraft Srls) and MyHealthData (MyHD), claimbing to be a startupper. I won’t lie, it hasn’t been easy or relaxing at all and I have done several personal little sacrifices, but I really like what I have been doing and I don’t regret.
Climb3D dates back to Summer 2016, thanks to an European grant by Apulia Region; it has become a small company since January 2018 (FabCraft Srls). In Climb3D we use digital manufacturing technologies to realize innovative and eco-friendly free-climbing holds and volumes.
MyHealthData (MyHD) is a project started in December 2017; in October 2019 it won the 4th prize of Apulia StartCup, the main regional innovative projects challenge. MyHD is a digital platform that allows to easily store and manage personal health data, both in daily life and during emergencies.