Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa
Looking for Partnership
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa has been established in the autumn of year 1991 by a general constituting assembly. We are a non-governmental organization which maintains, promotes and represents the interest of its members while contributing to the development of the international economic cooperation. The Chamber strives to establish ethical relations in business.
CCI-Vratsa is an active member of Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria, Sector Group “Intelligent Energy” within Enterprise Europe Network; member of the European Network Europe Direct, of Bulgarian Association of Management Consulting Organizations (BAMCO), Network of the Bulgarian Chambers of Commerce, Danube Chambers of Commerce Association, Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry – EUROCHAMBRES, Regional Coordinator of National Rural Network Bulgaria, Belgium Bulgaria Luxembourg Business Club, Environmental Technology Network in the Danube Region, etc.
CCI-Vratsa has 27 years of experience in more than 75 EU and other donors funded projects implementation; they are funded within different EU Programmes. - FP6, FP7, CIP, PHARE, Interreg IVC, Interreg VA, Interreg IIIC, South East Europe, Intelligent Energy Europe, Romania Bulgaria CBC Programme, Bulgaria-Serbia IPA Cross-Border Co-operation Programme, Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovations, ERASMUS+, European Integration Fund, European Social Fund, etc.