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Education of people from disadvantaged communities
Courses and services for disabled persons. BASER organizes computer literacy courses especially for visually impaired are implementing also vocational courses for low educated persons from the minorities.
Development and dissemination of E-learning courses
The Center for Vocational education develops and implements curricula, training
strategies and content of e-learning courses.
Training courses, concerning active citizenship of young people and nature
preservation. Several seminars were organized in different districts of Bulgaria.
The Youth club members were trying to implement the idea of “outdoorlearning”,
making training more pleasant and efficient.
Training courses concerning key-competencies of youth leaders coordinated
with the implementation of EU “Youthpass” certification.
BASER have taken part in several EU funded projects - Leonardo da Vinci pilot project :
· e- Client - Virtual Simulator for Language Learning for Tourism
professionals (LLP Leonardo da Vinci 134736-LLP-ES-LMP (2007-1964) .
– a modern interactive system for language and professional training of
tourism professionals
· “eAccess – Developing Web Content Supporting Learning and Training
of Disadvantaged User Communities” (EL/2003/B/F/PP-148233)
- e-learning system for computer literacy training of motor disabled and
visually impaired people. The developed web- portal provides tools for
developing e-content resources and courses
Several Leonardo da Vinci mobility projects in the tourist industry
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Social Affaires and Inclusion
Education and Training
7 years ago
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