Association Child's Friend
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Child's Friend is an Association of experienced artists, scientists and pedagogues, working in the field of culture and education for preservation of traditional ethical and aesthetic values and further development of strong sensitivity in regard to contemporary chalenges, such as ecology in a broad relevance to nature and ; Our main concern is to strengthen the fruitful links between generations, opening space for a better use of the expertise, knowledge and talents of experienced artists, pedagogues and scientists, in lifelong learning experiences with groups of children, young people and ;
Association “Child’s Friend” , through it’s Branches of activity, takes overall responsibility for the efficiency and quality of the projects it's a partner of, or coordinates ( implementation, fulfilment of objectives and administrating). Most of the projects initiated by the Association are focused on improvement of primary education; suggesting good examples and practices, results and products/ and further on, advocating for positive changes in educational ;
Outward experts and consultants in different fields of expertise, assist our members (teachers, artists and staff) engaged in each concrete task. They play an important role in the process of monitoring and advocacy for improvement of educational policies. They also take part as moderators/lecturers at press conferences, seminars, round tables and discussion ;Such partnerships are very resourceful in generating awareness in government, political and administrative institutions for effective changes and new ideas in the field of early education, stands as a major task for organizations working for specific social groups.
Experienced teams and individuals provide communities /especially such with a great percentage of immigrant and ethnic minorities in socially and economically disadvantaged districts/, with new ideas and pilot programmes for renovation and restructuring of the teaching/learning process using a rich database of facts and examples, illustrative and didactic ;
Our Association has taken part in more than 10 European projects in the field of education and has been the coordinator of two projects within the Culture programme.
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Education and Training
Adult Learning
Arts Education
Creative Industries
Cultural heritage
Culture and Development
8 years ago
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