Academia Romana - Institutul National de Cercetari Economice "Costin C. Kiritescu"/ Centre for Mountain Economy (CEMONT)
Looking for Partnership
Academia Romana - Institutul National de Cercetari Economice "Costin C. Kiritescu" (Romanian Academy - National Institute for Economic Research "Costin C. Kiritescu"), acronim INCE, is the most important economic (and all economy area) from Romania. INCE is offering human and technological capital for some specific researches and consultancies in all economic area. INCE has expertise in this area and is interested in participating to the new and traditional business models revitalization. INCE has an important network of institutions, researcher and professionals, that could sustain emerging technologies and models. - Organizational profile (institutional overview): Academia Romana - Institutul National de Cercetari Economice "Costin C. Kiritescu" (Romanian Academy - National Institute for Economic Research "Costin C. Kiritescu"), acronym INCE, is the most important economic from Romania. INCE is offering human and technological capital for some specific researches and consultancies in the entire economic area. INCE has expertise in this area and is developing new and traditional business models revitalization. INCE has an important network of institutions, researcher and professionals, that could sustain emerging technologies and models. INCE organizing and functioning is under the Romanian Decree no. 10/January 2nd, 1990, the establishment regulatory document, and with: Law no. 752/2001, regarding organization and activity of the Romanian Academy, republished at ; Romanian Government Act no. 107 bis /1990; Romanian Government Act no. 505/1990; Romanian Government Act no. 503/1998; Romanian Government Act no. 1366 / 2001 regarding reorganization and changing of the research institutions under the Romanian Academy; Romanian Government Act no. 99/2009 regarding changing name of the INCE; Romanian Academy Statute published in Official Monitor no. 617, together with Rules of application. INCE has more than 50 partnerships, some of them being: United Nations Global Compact, World Energy Council, Eli Nuclear Physics Cluster, and so on.
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Interested in a Partnership (Academia Romana - Institutul National de Cercetar...)
Research Institute
Forest Resources
Social Affaires and Inclusion
Low-Carbon Economy
Energy Efficiency
Agricultural Biotechnology
Sustainable Tourism
6 years ago
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