Kájoni János Library of Harghita County
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The "Kájoni János" County Library is the biggest public library in Harghita County. The library aims to be a constant part of the everyday life of the local community by a variety of programs and workshops, shaped to satisfy both cultural and leisure time claims and activities of the audience. The institution provides space and other resources such as: books, Tv, projector, computers with internet access. These resources can be used in the library for learning, informing and drafting of documents.
During the school year in the library are organized various activities intended for all age groups. The most popular activities are the puppet theater, bibliotherapy and the Kamishibai theater.
The "Kájoni János" Library is a friendly space that facilitates its users' access to all kinds of knowledge and information, it also serves all the needs of a modern user: it allows reading, informing, socializing, rapid access to high-quality resources at any time and any place.
The role of the library as an educational study center comes from the need for lifelong learning and its main purpose is to support formal and informal education at any age. The main target groups are: the youths and students who are interested in developing their acquired skills from classical educational system, the employees who wants to learn new skills, the fresh graduates, the unemployed people and the pensioners.
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Education and Training
Cultural heritage
Culture and Development
Digital Culture
1 year ago
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