Interested in a Partnership (Academia Romana - Institutul National de Cercetar...)

6 years ago
The aim of the organization is to promote active European and international cooperation between research, public bodies and civil society organizations related to research, education, culture and other fields of civil society.
- Object of activity: Developing the capacity for fundamental, theoretical and of applied utility scientific research, multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary, of the National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiriţescu” (INCE), in the economic, social, humanities, demographic and environmental fields specific to different areas.
- Fields of research: Social sciences and humanities, Biodiversity and natural sciences, Energy and environment, Demography, Tourism.
- Mission and goal of the organization: coordinate and organize the research activity, according to macroeconomic and microeconomic Romanian necessity and to world position of the Romanian economic policies, through annual or multi-annual programmes; promotes and develop national priority programmes in its fields in accordance with Romanian economic policies and government programmes; elaborate studies regarding sustainable development, economic, ecologic and social equilibrium, rural and agricultural issues, knowledge, communication and information based society, competitively and economic efficiency, macroeconomic and microeconomic fields, regional/local development, public administration, indicators system, world economic relations, modelling and forecasting, human development and life quality, labour market, migration/refugee issues, demography and so on; realize reports and conclusions regarding strategies, scenarios for Romania and its position in world economy; develop Romanian excellence research in its fields; offer specific consultancy; develop relations with other Romanian and world institutions; organize scientific or professional events; organize doctoral and postdoctoral studies; develop programmes and projects with national and international funds.
INCE works actively in European and international projects; organizes training, discussion and events; information and publication activities; cooperates in networks with research, public bodies and civil society organizations.
INCE operates as a network organization for research, public bodies and civil society organizations in Romania, promoting European networks among different actors.

 Forest Resources
 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Low-Carbon Economy
 Energy Efficiency
 Agricultural Biotechnology
 Sustainable Tourism

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