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Understanding how brain controls social interactions is one of the central goals of neuroscience. Whereas social interactions and their effects on the emotional state of an individual are relatively well described at the behavioral level, much less is known about neural mechanisms involved in these very complex phenomena, especially in the amygdala, a key structure processing emotions in the brain ...
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Start date: Oct 31, 2016, End date: Oct 30, 2021,

Nuclear Physics and technology has multiple applications of strategic economical relevance at the EU and worldwide. These include energy resources, medical diagnosis and therapeutic practices, new material characterization, or environmental studies, among others. The Horizon 2020, and the Euratom R&T Programme that complements it in the field of nuclear research and training, put a strong emphasis ...
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What? The Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Public Sector InnOvation aNd EGovERnance (PIONEER) has as main objective to provide students with specialised knowledge about public sector innovation and the role of ICT and technological evolutions in the innovation process: given the multiple challenges the public sector is dealing with and the number of technological possibilities to address those ...
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During S-phase newly synthesized “sister” DNA molecules become physically connected. This sister chromatid cohesion resists the pulling forces of the mitotic spindle and thereby enables the bi-orientation and subsequent symmetrical segregation of chromosomes. Cohesion is mediated by ring-shaped cohesin complexes, which are thought to entrap sister DNA molecules topologically. In mammalian cells, c ...
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Cellular proteins are prone to misfolding and aggregation, particularly under harsh environmental conditions. To counteract this danger, all organisms from bacteria to humans evolved sophisticated protein quality control networks. The mechanisms employed in them tend to represent some of the most exciting biochemistry occurring in living cells.In Gram-positive bacteria, the key factors combating p ...
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Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism, Media and Globalisation

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

Mundus Journalism aims to develop and integrate innovative research and industry links into an established (2005) Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters’ degree in Journalism, Media and Globalisation, which is jointly delivered by five European and three non-European universities in close cooperation with media partners. The ambition of the two-year, 120-ECTS programme is to: (a) Reflect the contemporary i ...
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Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Sports Ethics and Integrity

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

The MAiSI is a two year Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Sports Ethics and Integrity and is an innovative multidisciplinary programme that will be a catalyst for a new profession within sports administration. It brings together high level scholars in a consortium of Higher Education Institutions with a focus on vocationally orientated concerns. MAiSI will equip students for high-level careers ...
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The SERP+ Master aims at training experts in the most advanced experimental and theoretical tools developed in chemistry, physical-chemistry and materials science, making them ready to develop innovative ideas and enterprises related to sustainable developments in Energy, Health and Environment. This course addresses an increasing demand for highly skilled scientists and engineers ready to enter t ...
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European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

In the 21st century, migration processes increasingly contribute to shaping societal contexts. At the same time, the presence of migrants, who bring new knowledge, experiences, languages and different perspectives to these contexts, emphasizes the relevance of (approaches to) intercultural relations and communication. Moreover, and along with increasingly accelerating tendencies of globalization, ...
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International Master in Marine Biological Resources

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

The International Master in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea), is a joint Master programme organized by eight leading European universities in the field of marine sciences; Ghent University (BE), University of Pierre and Marie Curie (FR), University of the Algarve (PT), University of Oviedo (ES), Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (IE), University of the Basque Country (ES), Polytechnic Unive ...
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University of Theatre and Film Arts (Hungary), the Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Techology (Ireland) and the Baltic Film and Media School (Estonia) launch “VufindR” Cinematography Joint Master, a 2-year, 120-credit programme awarding a joint diploma on graduation, which invites applicants from all over the world with a degree in cinematography or photography. The master programme t ...
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Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies

Start date: Sep 11, 2016, End date: Mar 10, 2021,

The International Master Programme (Master of Science) in Geospatial Technologies is a cooperation of the University of Münster (WWU), Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), Germany, Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Institute for New Imaging Technologies (iNIT) Castellón, Spain, and, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Portugal.The proposed programme is the re ...
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Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (Blue-Action)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

Blue-Action will provide fundamental and empirically-grounded, executable science that quantifies and explains the role of a changing Arctic in increasing predictive capability of weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere.To achieve this Blue-Action will take a transdisciplinary approach, bridging scientific understanding within Arctic climate, weather and risk management research, with key s ...
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Collective effects and optomechanics in ultra-cold matter (ColOpt)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The network “Collective effects and optomechanics in ultra-cold matter” (ColOpt) will train early-stage researchers (ESR) in fundamental science and applications in the areas of cold atom and quantum physics, optical technologies and complexity science to promote European competiveness in emergent quantum technologies. It consists of nine academic nodes and three companies from six European countr ...
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Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe (RadioNet)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

RadioNet is a consortium of 28 institutions in Europe, Republic of Korea and South Africa, integrating at European level world-class infrastructures for research in radio astronomy. These include radio telescopes, telescope arrays, data archives and the globally operating European Network for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (EVN). RadioNet is de facto widely regarded to represent the interests o ...
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ArrestAD proposes a novel and visionary thinking resulting from the demonstration of the central role of a particular heparan sulfate species at the intracellular level in neurons and in circulating cells in the molecular pathology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). AD is a societal challenge for which there is neither prevention nor possible cure. Research in the field has long been refining classic co ...
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FOIE GRAS provides innovative training for 13 early stage researchers (ESRs) to answer two critical and unanswered questions: a) Is hepatic bioenergetic remodelling involved in NAFLD pathogenesis, and target for stratification or therapeutic/lifestyle interventions? and b) Is the disruption of the gut-liver axis involved in NAFLD progression? In Western Societies, there has been a recent surge of ...
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Sharing Cities (SHAR-LLM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Sharing Cities has four key objectives. 1) To achieve scale in the European smart cities market by proving that properly designed smart city solutions, based around common needs, can be integrated in complex urban environments. This will be done in a way that exhibits their true potential and allows for the significant scale-up and consequent increase in social, economic and environmental value. ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2020,

Art Context TerritoryThe IN SITU ACT project is a tool for structuring artistic creation in public space across Europe. Art in public space is a developing discipline which mixes performance, visual and digital arts, creators and local people, artists and audience. It is an artform built around sharing, where involvement is part of the creative act; a contemporary, contextual artform for a broad ...
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Background Olive groves extend over nearly five million hectares in the EU and are one of the main crops in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. With nearly 1.9 million olive farms (Eurostat, 2007) the olive sector is a vital source of employment and economic activity in many European regions. In Andalusia almost 100 000 ha of olive groves are located in in ...
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Most maritime products are typically associated with large investments and are seldom built in large series. Where other modes of transport benefit from the economy of series production, this is not the case for maritime products which are typically designed to refined customer requirements increasingly determined by the need for high efficiency, flexibility and low environmental impact at a compe ...
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A major goal in biology is to understand how gene regulatory information is encoded by the human genome and how it defines different gene expression programs and cell types. Enhancers are genomic elements that control transcription, yet despite their importance, only a minority of enhancers are known and functionally characterized. In particular, their activity changes during cellular signalling o ...
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EMMC Mechatronic Engineering

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2020,

REFERENCE: 564467-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB_EU4MTITLE: Joint Master's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering, EU4MObjectiveThe aim of the Master's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering (EU4M) is to familiarize students and invited scholars with the methods, the development and the application of mechatronics in different fields, including automotive engineering, aerospace, mobile communication system ...
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Advancing Performing Arts Project - Performing Europe 2020

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

APAP– Performing Europe 2020 links 11 leading performing arts organisations from 10 different European countries, and 35 of the most innovative performing artists. The network will support artistic production, create new models of audience development, introduce a new database for the arts world and build a bridge to the Arab world. The program contains:1. Creating an innovative and visible artist ...
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Future DiverCities - Creativity in an Urban Context

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

FUTURE DIVERCITIES creates an economically, socially and artistically sustainable future for creativity across Europe and beyond. This 4 year project will establish a European network of creators to encourage and support creativity, innovation and art production, support and develop emerging talent and assist the creation, distribution and monetisation of art.Our focus will be on creativity in an ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

The Ulysses project was originally inspired by an illustrious generation of 18th Century artists who wandered all across Europe, visiting at each “stop” along the way the greatest masters’ workshops in order to improve and to complete their skills. Following the steps of the Homeric hero, their odyssey was an initiatory journey paving the way for future generations of young European artists. Today ...
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smARTplaces - A European Audience Development Project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

SmARTplaces (SP) is a visionary, long-term European Audience Development Project, aiming to revolutionize the way culture and art can be perceived and consumed, using digital technology and new forms of cultural mediation. SmARTplaces will be delivered by a partnership of 8 museums from 6 different countries in Europe (supported by 2 research partners) in order to achieve a new approach to audienc ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

RISK CHANGE is related to contemporary migrations and continuous social and cultural change in 21th Century the geopolitical focus on EU and neighboring countries.RC aims to research, create, connect, compare, disseminate and promote contemporary interdisciplinary art related to science, especially social and applied sciences, and ICT. RC will highlight the importance of connectivity and interdisc ...
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YOUNG OPERA MAKERS Programme by enoa

Start date: May 11, 2016, End date: May 10, 2020,

YOUNG OPERA MAKERS PROGRAMME by enoaThe role of creation, development of new forms, exploration of innovative creative processes and audience renewal are all major challenges facing today’s European opera world. Young artists must be the drivers of this change: their training and employability are crucial issues. In a globalized and competitive sector young artists should be fundamentally mobile a ...
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Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are chronic bone marrow malignancies of the elderly, complicated by severe anaemia. MDS significantly affects quality-adjusted survival and it imposes an increasing financial burden on patients and healthcare (HC) systems. The burden of disease is expected to worsen in the future, given the aging EU population and newly identified MDS cases among those diagnosed wit ...
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The major aim of Bio4Med (Biology for Medicine) programme is to provide unique, international, inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral doctoral training for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the domain of biological bases of human diseases. To achieve this goal it combines 22 leading research groups at the Nencki Institute and their scientific partners from world-class laboratories located in EU Mem ...
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MAGIC Post Stroke Project Team has united members from across Europe, dedicated to enable significant change in the delivery of health & social care (H&SC) services for patients post stroke. The consortium has recognised a significant gap in care associated with the recovery of such patients & we need a new way of meeting the needs of 508,000 new post stroke EU citizens/ year. Demographic changes ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

7 Partners from 7 different countries were gathered in order to design and manage the cooperation project EUROPAVOX: Europavox Festival (France), Estragon (Italy), Loftas Fest (Lithuania), WUK (Austria), Le Botanique (Belgium), INmusic Festival (Croatia), Fuzz Productions (Greece).To carry out our cooperation project we gather many other partners around:- Over 40 European media- Over 200 music p ...
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The growing share of variable renewable energy necessitates flexibility in the electricity system, which flexible energy generation, demand side participation and energy storage systems can provide. SIMBLOCK will develop innovative demand response (DR) services for smaller residential and commercial customers, implement and test these services in three pilot sites and transfer successful DR models ...
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Shared Cities: Creative Momentum

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2020,

Shared Cities: Creative Momentum is a Central European consortium of cultural actors whose interest intersects in sharing, circulating, and exchanging the best practices in self-initiated, participatory and transdisciplinary architecture and urbanism collaborations.Over the course of four years, the platform of eleven partners from six countries, active in architecture, urban design, art and cultu ...
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"NanoPack will demonstrate a solution for extending food shelf life by using novel smart antimicrobial surfaces, applied in active food packaging products. It will run pilot lines in operational industrial environments to manufacture commercially feasible antimicrobial polymer films, accepted by consumers. It will minimize the amount of preservatives required to maintain freshness, add value and a ...
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The main objective of the ANASTACIA is to address the constant discovery of vulnerabilities in ICT components providing assurance that ICT systems are secure and trustworthy by design. To this end, ANASTACIA will research and develop a holistic security framework, which will address all the phases of the ICT Systems Development Lifecycle and will be able to take autonomous decisions using new netw ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

REFERENCE: 564476-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB_EUPADRATITLE: Master in Parliamentary Procedure and Legislative Drafting, EUPADRAObjectiveThe Master in Parliamentary Procedure and Legislative Drafting (EUPADRA) represents the first learning mobility project that allows the study of parliamentary procedures and legislative drafting in three different European capitals, seats of national parliament ...
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Integrating Entrepreneurship and Work Experience into Higher Education

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The project responds to the concerns expressed by stakeholders on the shortcomings in the labour market orientation of Higher Education (HE), focusing on the balance between practical and theoretical learning in HE and to mismatches between the skills sets of graduates and the skills they require during their early careers. EU countries have experienced a substantial increase in graduate unemploym ...
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The project wants to tackle a relevant European problem: youth school dropout and social disadvantage. As stated in the 2007 White Paper, sport plays an important role in formal and non-formal education, and volunteering particularly in grassroots sport provides many opportunities for non-formal education and social engagement that need to be valorized and enhanced. 2015 Council conclusions on ear ...
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