Search for European Projects

22 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Prime objective of the Sharc25 project is to develop super-high efficiency Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells for next generation of cost-beneficial solar module technology with the world leading expertise establishing the new benchmarks of global excellence. The project partners ZSW and EMPA hold the current CIGS solar cell efficiency world records of 21.7% on glass and 20.4% on polymer film, achie ...
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The aim of this proposal is to develop wide band gap thin film solar cells based on kesterite absorbers for future application in high efficiency and low cost tandem PV devices. The SWInG working group will focus both on the development of the processes for the synthesis of such solar cells based on the Cu2ZnXY4 (with X=Sn, Si and Y= S, Se) compounds and on the understanding of the physical and el ...
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The FiveVB project will develop a new cell technology based on innovative materials such as high capacity anodes, high voltage cathodes and stable, safe and environmentally friendly electrolytes. Since main European industry partners representing the value chain from materials supplier to car manufacturer are involved, this program will support and enable the development of a strong and competitiv ...
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Europe has invoked the SET-Plan to design and implement an energy technology policy for Europe to accelerate the development and deployment of cost-effective renewable energy systems, including photovoltaics. With lower cost of solar electricity, PV could significantly contribute to the achievements of the 20-20-20 objectives.The Joint Program on PV of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA-P ...
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MATISSE is a 36-month project targeting to the delivery of PEMFC advanced cells and stacks for stationary applications. The project methodology will include assessment of stack incremented with new materials and processes developed during the project. The project will address three stack designs for each of the stationary conditions of operation of the fuel cell i.e. H2/O2, H2/air and reformate H2 ...
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Advanced materials for batteries (MAT4BAT)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

"Li-ion technologies initiated in the 90’ at a fast development pace thanks mainly to emerging ICTs with more than 20 GWh sold in 2010. Soon, it appeared as a credible technology for electrical vehicles as it could provide average energy densities of about 140 Wh/kg. However and since then,major breakthroughs have been expected to reach higher storage levels of 250 Wh/kg on battery system level wi ...
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Several automotive OEMs have announced plans for the commercialization of fuel cell vehicles from 2014/15. Industrial partnerships such as H2-Mobility in Germany, the UK or Hydrogen Highway in Scandinavia are working to establish the required initial H2- infrastructure While this is a clear signal for the functional readiness of fuel cell technology in automotive application, durability, efficienc ...
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"The main objective of the planned project IMPACT is to increase the life-time of fuel cells with membrane-electrode assemblies containing ultra low Pt-loading (< 0.2 mg cm-2) for automotive applications. The economic requirements to reduce Pt loading leads to the challenge to maintain durability and performance, an aspect which has not been addressed sufficiently in public projects and studies. A ...
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The SAPPHIRE project will develop an integrated prognostics and health management system (PHM) including a health-adaptive controller to extend the lifetime and increase the reliability of heat and power-producing systems based on low-temperature proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (LT-PEMFC).The PHM system can actively track the current health and degradation state of the fuel-cell system, and th ...
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"CIGS solar module technology on rigid glass substrate is already mature and industrial companies are producing hundreds of MWp each year. Bringing flexible CIGS solar modules to industrial maturity will yield the next breakthrough for further cost reduction by taking into account the inherent advantages of thin film technology, e.g. high throughput and large scale coating with less energy and mat ...
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In this project proposal, industry wide harmonized test procedures for PEFC stacks shall be developed and validated. The proposal builds on experiences gained in the FCTESTNET, FCSTEQA series of projects taking up the methodology developed there and expanding it to the test of PEFC stacks. Furthermore, experiences of individual consortium members have long time experience in international standard ...
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Lithium Sulfur Superbattery Exploitating Nanotechnology (LISSEN)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

"This project is aimed to the identification and development of nanostructured electrode and electrolyte materials to promote the practical implementation of the very high energy lithium-sulfur battery. In particular, the project will be directed to the definition and test of a new, lithium metal-free battery configuration based on the use of lithiated silicon as the anode and a nanostructured sul ...
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High energy density Li-ion cells for traction (EuroLiion)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

The research described in this proposal aims to develop a new Li-ion cell for traction purposes with the following characteristics:• High energy density of at least 200 Wh/kg• Low costs i.e., a maximum of 150 Euro/kWh• Improved safetyAlthough the Li-ion cell appears to be the most appropriate technology to meet these goals, considerable research and development is required. For example, the much- ...
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This project is related to the effective deployment and availability of reliable hydrogen sensors, primarily but not exclusively for use in applications using hydrogen as an alternative fuel.The objective is to support and unite stakeholders including sensor manufactures/developers, sensor end-users, certification bodies and independent sensor evaluators having the aim to avoid any hazardous event ...
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"This project aims to the development at an initial industrial level of an advanced, lithium ion battery for efficient application in the sustainable vehicle market. The basic structure of this battery involves a lithium-metal (tin)-carbon, Sn-C, alloy anode, a lithium nickel manganese oxide, LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4, cathode and a ceramic-added, gel-type membrane electrolyte. This battery is expected to m ...
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Hydrogen-based energy conversion devices, especially proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), are known to be sensitive to hydrogen fuel impurities. In this context, adequate specification of hydrogen quality, as well as means of checking H2 fuel compliance, are crucial to warrant reliability of these devices. Besides, a technical and economical compromise between performance loss and purifica ...
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High Energy Lithium-Ion Storage Solutions (HELIOS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

"The reluctance of OEM worldwide to extend electric drive applications to the private customers depends partly from considerations on customer acceptance (limited range in the case of EV, long charging time after depletion of the battery, cost), but also from the increased reliability and life span that private customers are entitled to expect.The first goal of HELIOS project is to evaluate electr ...
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Current production methods for thin film photovoltaics typically rely on costly, difficult to control (over large surfaces) vacuum-based deposition processes that are known for low material utilisation of 30-50%. NOVA-CI(G)S proposes alternative, non-vacuum ink-based simple and safe deposition processes for thin film CI(G)S photovoltaic cells. The low capital intensive, high throughput, high mater ...
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The Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) on glass technology is already heading towards industrial maturity, but to meet the production cost target of below 0.6 €/Wp in mid-term and below 0.4 €/Wp in long-term, development of highly efficient flexible modules is an attractive option. The ultimate advantage of thin-film technology is the possibility of monolithically connected flexible modules produced with high sp ...
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The aim of the ALPINE project it to push forward the research and development of fiber laser systems for scribing of PhotoVoltaic (PV) modules. The project consortium will focus on a new high brilliance, high efficiency and premium beam quality laser based on photonic crystal fibers (PCFs). The all-around development cycle comprising of the beam source, beam delivery and manipulation, scribing pro ...
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Automotive Fuel Cell Stack Cluster Initiative for Europe (Auto-Stack)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

While the supply base for materials and components in Europe is well advanced and competitive, stack integration is lagging behind due to massive investment requirements and risks associated with commercialization. The project aims to develop approaches to address the critical barriers for substantial improvement of collaboration between major stakeholders and establishing a solid business model f ...
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"The main objective of the planned project DECODE is to increase the life-time of fuel cells for automotive applications. It is well-known that liquid water plays a crucial role in the degradation processes of fuel cells. However, this specific degradation influence is not addressed sufficiently in the present research and development efforts. Therefore, DECODE aims at identifying characteristic b ...
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