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35 European Projects Found

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According to a recent study of the Thuringian Ministry of Economy, Labour and Technology of 2014, in Thuringia exist up to 2025 a need of skilled workers of about 281,000, due to the demographic changes and a strong economy. To counteract this shortage of skilled workers, Thuringian SMEs rely increasingly on training and employment of foreign professionals. There consists a great need of advice an ...
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ALL-ECOM seeks to address the challenge of skills and competencies imbalance within the commerce sector by improving commerce human resources’ qualifications in e-commerce through the integration of new technologies in the strategy of both retail and wholesale commerce and ensure harmonization at national and European level of standards of qualifications and skills in the e-commerce sector. The p ...
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WIFI Academy for Facility Management

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...f knowledge constituting the FM discipline. Based on a good Austrian practice, this project aims at developing and piloting an innovative, multilingual platform for online distance training in FM - WIFI Facility Management Academy (WIFI-FMA). It will present comprehensive online training materials in English, Bulgarian, German, Hungarian and Serbian languages applying trainee-friendly learning met ...
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Italien und Österreich – Brücken zum Wachsen

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project „Italy and Austria – building bridges” has two groups of participants: first, 20 students of the WIFI Tourism School St. Pölten, second, a practical school teacher of Cooking and Cooking Organization. 1. Students There is one project called “New baking – new learning”, which is already being carried out with the “IPSSAR Angelo Berti” in Verona, so there are connections via e-mail with ...
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Developing a guideline for language teachers at WIFI

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

The language department at WIFI Steiermark was introduced more than 25 years ago. Since then the principles of adult English language learners have not really changed. However, the market has become more competitive than ever. Our language department can only keep up with its competitors by improving its standards and being one step ahead. Therefore WIFI Steiermark has decided to invest into new a ...
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Werkstoffwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnologie nehmen in der Region Wien-Bratislava einen hohen Stellenwert ein. Zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in der Gesamtregion fehlt eintransnationales/intersektorales Instrumentarium zum barrierefreien Wissenstransfer. Durch eine verstärkte Vernetzung von Forschung und Anwendung wird die Region zu einem wichtigen Hochtechnologiewirtschaftsraum werden. ...
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...ure im Projektgebiet.Im Rahmen des Projektes werden folgende Aufgaben verwirklicht:- Datenerhebung interkultureller und kommunikationstechnologischer Spezifika- Länder-Trainings mit WIFI Zertifizierung- Train the trainer Schulungen- Aufbau eines OPTICOM-Kompetenzpools mit einem Verzeichnis qualifizierter TrainerInnen ...
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Erfolgsmotor 2020

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

Grenzüberschreitende Entwicklungsprogramme für KMU: 1) Innovationskompetenzen steigern Aufbau eines erfolgreichen innovationsorientierten Umfeldes im Unternehmen sowie von innovationsfördernden Netzwerken zwischen Unternehmen sowie zwischen Wirtschaft & Wissenschaft. In diesem Umfeld sollen neue Ideen, Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Prozesse entwickelt werden, dies stärkt die Innovationstätigkeit ...
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POLYINVEST project aims at improving conditions for investment in the rural areas, directly tackling the development gap between the regions of the SEE space. Through the development of an innovative information service about the availability and characteristics of marketable real estates, the project responds to: the needs of those public administrations interested in enhancing and gaining an inc ...
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T-SENIORITY objective is to significantly improve quality of life and ensure efficient health and social care for the ageing population by specifying and demonstrating innovative ICT enabled products and services.The proposal is based in the integration of digital services addressed to elders and info-marginated audiences that will be accessed by TV channels and where the important segment of peop ...
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The project aims at provisioning a ubiquitous wireless solution to reach bit rates higher than 100Mbps with peak throughputs higher than 1Gbps, based on Reconfigurable OFDMA Cooperative Networks enabled by agile spectrum use (ROCKET). While increasing peak rates is a natural must-do for new standards, providing homogeneous high rate coverage is equally important as it guarantees a constant user ex ...
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...zaměřením naplňuje smlouvu o spolupráci mezi jižní Moravou a Dolním Rakouskem. Vychází ze zkušenosti rakouského partnera a slovensko-rakouského projektu, proto se OHK Brno po dohodě s WIFI rozhodla předložit společný projekt. Internetová kooperační platforma rozšírená o informace o českém podnikatelském prostředí, kontaktech na poradce a partnery působící v příhraničním regionu a kompletním shr ...
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This project sets out to produce a training system for certain categories of staff in SMEs concerned by the new requirements introduced under the Basel II agreement on capital adequacy. The initiative will benefit financial consultants to SMEs, entrepreneurs and administrative and financial staff. The end products will be distance-learning modules, virtual communities and electronic portals.
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The project “Work Harmony” has been finalized to transfer the results, in terms of innovation of product and process, from theIMPLANTA project, in the field of the community initiative EQUAL. The general aim of the project consisted in promotingthe implementation of new models of organization of labour and social facilities, encouraging the conciliation of work andfamily life. This topic is parti ...
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The main problem of the INSEMOT SME project had been the lack of information and available further training in the field of data protection and Information Security (IS). This is a major problem for SMEs – and especially Micro-Enterprises (MEs;
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Weiterentwicklung der Menschen und Betriebe im Grenzraum zur Sicherung des Wirtschaftsstandortes und der Beschäftigung. Durch das Durchlaufen des Programms werden Unternehmer und deren Mitarbeiter motiviert und kooperationsfähig und erfahren, wie sie Veränderungsprozesse gestalten und begleiten können. Das Unternehmens-Fitnessprogramm besteht aus mehreren Modulen, die von den Teilnehmern fakultati ...
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EQN (European Quality Network) estbalishes a skills card based accreditation service unit and process for job roles in the IT and service sector. The following results will be delivered:1. accreditation online portal system (similar to ECDL) supporting skills assessment and test management as well as administering and viewing accrreditation profiles, 2. an online library of best practice resuts / ...
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The main aim of the project was to prepare a learning portfolio for self-employed persons working in the area of elderly care. It supports the German and intercultural knowledge for the target group resp. more cultural sensitivity.
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The main aims of the INNOVET project has been • to develop the Moodle based, international innovation transfer of “Global Entrepreneurship” course in national languages according to the needs of each target group and educational system and to publish an international and national web based e-magazines accessed by anybody.• to strengthen the understanding of the role of Entrepreneurship Education ...
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 FINISHED of ( ) and SME-TraiNet ( ) - The project partnership consisted of experienced training institutions and successful private companies. SCCI PRC, IFOA, WIFI are the training institutions known across the world. Apeiron,Ltd and A-Omega,Ltd are private training and advising companies, experienced in training for SMEs. SCCI PRC and WIFI are the member o ...
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Promoting and supporting entrepreneurship and SMEs is a politicalpriority in all European member states and also of the EuropeanCommission DG Enterprise & Industry. However, the training and supportEuropean entrepreneurs usually get is mainly focused on initial aid duringtheir first steps into entrepreneurship. Many of new business do notsurvive their third year. This is due to the fact that no st ...
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Reason for the projectConcepts of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) comprise assistence systems, methods and other solutions for elderly and handicapped people to live self-determined in comfort in their environment. Due to the demographic change, which is affecting all European countries similarly, the AAL sector is growing rapidly, creating new jobs for qualified employees Europewide. Thus joint Eur ...
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E-Business is successful business : The project "e-business support in a joint approach“ tackles the challenges of ICT and e-business, which are facing all very small businesses, with a flexible, multi-part training concept. It consists of management concepts for seminars and awareness campaigns like training modules for SME employees and e-business trainers as well as tools, with the help of whic ...
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The objective of WPO-Trainer is to develop and implement a new training program / curriculum for trainers, providing them with the necessary pedagogical skills and competencies to design and deliver action- and working process-oriented training measures to masters and technicians in the construction sector. The direct target group of the training curriculum, which will be developed within the sco ...
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The objective of WPO-Trainer is to develop and implement a new training program / curriculum for trainers, providing them with the necessary pedagogical skills and competencies to design and deliver action- and working process-oriented training measures to masters and technicians in the construction sector. The direct target group of the training curriculum, which will be developed within the sco ...
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Summary of the projectThe objective of the project is to develop certain parts of an open, pan-European learning concept for apprentices in the areas of Car Mechatronics, Automobile Electronics and Car Mechanics. There is a wide range of people and institutions that are involved in this project: Scientists, automotive-experts, computer-specialists, apprenticeship institutions, vocational schools, ...
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iTV is an interactive channel of information and training, which has already been tested in selective training environments. The aim of this project is not the further technical development, but most of all the testing of transferability to the specific learning conditions of SMEs. The in-firm training with SMEs, which needs to be independent of location, costs and needs to be problem solving orie ...
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The project's purpose is to develop a unified approach to entrepreneurship training across different European countries and for different target groups, and this is to be achieved through the design of a competency-based, on-line, flexible, modular learning framework. The standards to be applied further expect to guarantee that learning content is able to be re-used within any Learning Management ...
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EQN (European Quality Network) estbalishes a skills card based accreditation service unit and process for job roles in the IT and service sector. The following results will be delivered:1. accreditation online portal system (similar to ECDL) supporting skills assessment and test management as well as administering and viewing accrreditation profiles, 2. an online library of best practice resuts / ...
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A model for successful work exchanges : The project has developed a process framework for the practical implementation of the Europass training programme. This should ensure better preparation leading to more successful exchanges. This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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Virtual learning - new opportunities for vocational trainning : Telecoaching is expected to provide comprehensive information on ICTs and disseminate the advantages of tele-coaching. The didactic material is designed as a motivational training module to encourage consultants, coaches, teachers and trainers to consider ICT as a source of added value in their work. This project started in 2001 and ...
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The OPIFEX project will develop both a learning package and skills test qualification for welders and computer numerical control (CNC) machinery technicians in the metal industry.Following an initial needs analysis reviewing existing on-the-job training practices, standard curricula will be produced to form the basis of a common European training package for on-the-job trainers. The package will c ...
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Pro Europass will both establish a network of partners and create a series of support materials, to encourage Europass Training (apprenticeship training) for the metal, electro-technical, electrical and telecommunications industries.Experience shows that the implementation and promotion of the Europass Training document requires enhanced activity with industry and industry networks to further enco ...
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The Lighthouse of Conformity project plans to create an e-learning tool for SME managers and staff in preparing for the introduction of EU directives on Product Safety and Product Liability. The project will develop, pilot and introduce a modular, interactive course and e-learning environment for implementation, accreditation and eventual commercialisation.Products to be developed, in all partner ...
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Summary of the projectThe objective of the project is to develop certain parts of an open, pan-European learning concept for apprentices in the areas of Car Mechatronics, Automobile Electronics and Car Mechanics. There is a wide range of people and institutions that are involved in this project: Scientists, automotive-experts, computer-specialists, apprenticeship institutions, vocational schools, ...
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