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Organizational Model and Methodology for Promoting the Conciliation of Worker’s Professional and Personal Lives in Enterprise

The project “Work Harmony” has been finalized to transfer the results, in terms of innovation of product and process, from theIMPLANTA project, in the field of the community initiative EQUAL. The general aim of the project consisted in promotingthe implementation of new models of organization of labour and social facilities, encouraging the conciliation of work andfamily life. This topic is particularly common in several aspects of daily life, such as: work organizational models and time,several responsibilities for both women and men in the field of their own and other professional contexts, time organizationin managing daily life. It deals with a very complex subject, which requires participation strategies in order to weight onseveral fields complementary and at the same time. Therefore, starting from pilot experiences already carried out is a bigadvantage, both for economic and human resources and achieved results.IMPLANTA is an opportunity to seize and transfer, through a process of adaptation divided in 5 specific phases and 4transversal ones:1. Analysis of contexts to which the transfer will be carried out, detecting the related supporting tools;2. Elaboration of the WORK-HARMONY model and methodology, through the adaptation of IMPLANTA, in order to transferit.3. Integration of the innovative context to systems and work practices at sectorial, local, regional or national level:integration and linguistic localization of the adapted IMPLANTA investigation, linguistic localization of the adapted IMPLANTAmethodology, linguist localization of the adapted Trainwear; linguistic localization of the adapted IMPLANTA Benchmarkingtools.4. Transfer of the previous point to new social, cultural and linguistic contexts;5. Carrying out training sessions for operators in the Countries project partners;6. Dissemination of results;7. Development of a Web page;8. Implementation of a quality management plan;9. Coordination between partners.The products to adapt in order to transfer and test in the partners countries are the following:Study of the requirements of enterprises to apply work organization measures that contribute to the conciliation of workand family life, Map of the conciliation resources, Benchmarking study, Model of conciliation work-family life.The partnership had ensured the achievement of the immediately tangible results, as it is composed by membersrepresenting the whole professional field: sectorial associations, representing the SMEs field, organizations working in thethird sector (no profit), entrepreneurs...The experimental impact was immediate, as the main object actors was involved.

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