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20 European Projects Found

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Nowadays Russian and Chinese universities have to offer programs which facilitate graduates’ adaptation to the real manufacturing and business environment and raise their competitiveness at the labor market. In order to develop a qualitative program is necessary to establish close links with business community as well as European universities which have rich experience in development of similar pr ...
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Migration in the EU: challenges and opportunities

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

International migration is a sensitive issue of the modern world. Only 3% of people in the world are migrants but they provoke discussion on the national and international levels. Migration level always increases in response to socioeconomic and political crises which are one of the characteristics of the 20th - 21st centuries. The situation is becoming more and more complicated, especially over t ...
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Shadow economy is an inevitable part of any economic system in the world. It exists everywhere and governments have always been trying to understand the mechanisms of its functionality, to avoid its spreading deeper into the economic structures of countries, but it seems that different results have been achieved in different regions.Russia is well-known as one of the young market countries with a ...
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Establishment and development of a new Master on “ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS” in 3 RU and 2 AM Universities with affiliation of other 2 RU Universities, according to features and learning outcomes delivering graduates environmental and “green buildings” technological issues’ skills. 1. Curricular reform: to implement an effective curricular development oriented towards ...
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Establishment of Centers for Competence and Employability Development

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

In Kazakhstan and Russia the term “employability” is not listed in official documentation, such as legal regulations, reforms etc; not formulated as an strategic goal of the universities; not framed as an concept including a set of competences, skills and attitudes and no practical instruction or recommendations on how to implement it is given. Universities in KZ and PF are obliged to include cert ...
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Harmony project aims to contribute to development of a comprehensive internationalization strategies and their harmonization at EU and Partner Countries (Armenia, Belarus, Russia) within the framework of HEA in accordance with the main provisions of the Bologna Process through modernization of international relation management of the partner countries universities, promoting the academic mobility ...
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EU-Russia Law Approximation

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The proposed project aims to implement a course module focused on law approximation between the EU and partner countries, particularly the Russian Federation. Its main objective is to extend the curricula in the domain of the EU law and the process of European integration via adding specific topics on «EU-Russia law approximation» to the variety of legal disciplines, such as: European law, Interna ...
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The project of Jean Monnet Module “European Identity through the European Union policy (linguistic, business and immigration policy) - IDEU” aims at the public that do not automatically come into contact with European studies through their curriculum in opposition to their professional activity (future language teachers and translators, management personnel of regional enterprises). The long-term ...
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To be European in Russia: pro and contra

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The strategic aims of the project are to contribute to development of mutual understanding between the EU and Russian societies, to overcome difficulties and contradictions in perception “to be a European”, to develop intercultural communications and comparative evaluation of similarities and differences of views from European, Russian experts in the field of EU studies and to promote European ide ...
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The overall strategy of BILAT-RUS 2 puts the three main issues of the Capacities work programme into practice. It will provide input for the EU-Commission on the state of EU-Russian STI cooperation; contribute to coordinate research policies and programmes of European Member States, Associated Countries and the EU-Commission; enhance information collection and dissemination as regards STI between ...
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"The overall strategic objective of the E-URAL project is to improve in quantity and quality the participation of Russian researchers and SMEs in the “Environment (including climate change)” theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). This objective answers to specific gaps that hamper the participation of Russia, such as the lack of knowledge among researchers and multipliers from Russia on t ...
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"The objective of the study is to develop and implement for Russia an integrated spatial-economic-ecological modelling approach, which represents the state-of-the-art in different areas of economic, transport, resource-use and environmental modelling, and can be used to assist policy makers in their choice of medium and long-term sustainability policies. This implies the following interrelated a ...
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The goal of the Project is to contribute to modernization and internationalization of the societies in the partner countries (PC-s) through curriculum reform to enhance capacities of HEI-s and secondary schools for teaching European languages. The Wider Objective will be implemented through accomplishing the following Specific Project Objectives (SPO):1. Develop a new model for teacher education.2 ...
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The Project aims at creation, development and implementation of the educational Master degree programme “International and European law” with unified curriculum at 9 partner universities (2 - from EU, 1- from EU Candidate country and 6 - from PCs). This is an original programme that will give a possibility for preparation of highly qualified specialists with profound knowledge in International and ...
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• To promote the 2-level educational process in the field of Energy Saving for Environmental Protection and Control in Russian Federation.• To create a Europe - Russia network on "Sustainable Development Shared Virtual Space". • To spread and promote the «Sustainable Development» EU policies with specific reference to Energy Saving for Environmental Protection issues and to specific programmes.• T ...
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The project “Strengthening the Lifelong Learning in Environmental Sciences in Russia – STREAM” will strictly address its wider objective – contribute to the development of a national framework for lifelong learning in line with the needs of a knowledge-based society in Russia. The project strives to achieve three specific objectives:1. Setting-up a horizontally & regionally distributed network for ...
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Wider objective of the Project is aiming to join efforts of the EU and PC Universities, PC NGOs and Research Bodies for training, retraining and skills upgrading of experts able to decide multidisciplinary problems existing on the BY, RU and UA territories contaminated by radioactive agents with a view to Human Security.In accordance to the specific objectives it is foreseen to develop interdiscip ...
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The wider objective is to enhance the quality of education in computer-based engineering and the employability of Southern Russian graduates in this field through internationalization of Master curricula along the Bologna lines. Specific objectives: to set up a virtual RU-EU graduate school in IT in Engineering; to develop IT in Engineering Master program based on 4 flows at 4 RU universities; t ...
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On the basis of the current situation analysis in EU and RU the project will focus on improvement of the quality of RU higher professional education in forestry by development of the Qualification Framework (QF) in sustainable forestry and lifelong learning (LLL) in cooperation between RU and EU Universities. Proposed activities will bring to harmonization of the forestry degree programs in RU to ...
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Le projet proposé vise le développement de la Société de l’Information par la création du réseau Europe-Russie-Asie Centrale de Masters «Informatique Seconde Compétence» entre quatre Universités russes, trois Universités kazakhes, deux Universités kirghizes et cinq Universités de l’Union européennes. Sur la base du Master «Double compétence en Informatique et Sciences Sociales» créé dans le cadre ...
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