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To be European in Russia: pro and contra
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The strategic aims of the project are to contribute to development of mutual understanding between the EU and Russian societies, to overcome difficulties and contradictions in perception “to be a European”, to develop intercultural communications and comparative evaluation of similarities and differences of views from European, Russian experts in the field of EU studies and to promote European idea and to foster the dialogue between the academic world, policy-makers and business.The main objectives are to promote discussion and reflection on EU issues via the cross-culture analysis, focused on identification of obstacles and benefits in being European in Russia, with the aim of elaboration of vision paper “To be European in Russia: pro and contra” and its wide dissemination in academic, business communities, regional authorities and civil society. Implementation of training and continuing education for teachers, young professionals in public administration, providing them with the appropriate knowledge and skills on EU subjects.Project objectives are: - to develop a methodology and tools for cross-culture survey - to create online information resource on EU subjects- to conduct the cross-culture analysis “To be European in Russia: pro and contra”- to prepare the vision paper “To be European in Russia: pro and contra”- to implement training and continuing education courses for teachers, young professionals in public administration on “Joint programmes: from mobility to employability” and “Approximation of EU Law in Russia”- to organize International Forum “To be European in Russia: pro and contra- to prepare the expert recommendationsThe project is targeted on wider academic and business community and regional authorities of Russia and EU: Russian and EU educators, researchers, students; regional authorities and business community. External expertise and evaluation will be provided by representatives of 13 HEIs from EU countries and Russian regions.

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