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10 European Projects Found

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The focus of the project is to enhance policy-making, reinforcing the capacity of public administrations to understand, anticipate and strategically manage the implications of demographic change for the growth and cohesion of European regions and cities, and for the overall integration of the SEE area. Local and regional authorities are at the forefront in facing the effects of current demographic ...
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The building sector, responsible for about 40% of the EU's total final energy consumption and CO2 emissions, provides many cost-efficient opportunities for action, while contributing at the same time to the welfare of EU citizens. The EU is making a real effort to improve the energy efficiency of Europe's buildings and recently revised its legislation to prompt faster improvements. The Energy Perf ...
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The Northern Adriatic region, going clockwise from Rijeka/Koper to the Emilia Romagna region coast represents the Southern terminal of the Adriatic Baltic transport corridor. The relevance of this corridor increased in the last years because of the economic growth of the Central European regions and with this connected continuous increase in transport demand. However the transport supply has been ...
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South East Transport Axis (SETA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

...ary and secondary transport networks in SEE including intermodality• Report from demonstration train run from Monfalcone to Rjeka• Report from demonstration train run from Vienna to Zagreb• Report from piloted service platform for tracking and tracking rail-borne freight• SETA corridor development plan and memorandum of understanding• Transnational transport model for target countries - rail, road ...
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The SEE area is a sea and river transit space of vessels carrying hazardous freight which constitutes many potential environmental risks for coasts and inland waterways. Economic development and a strong growth of transport and increased traffic in the SEE area aggravate the already increased threats of pollution and thus require a good management and high performance of observation, communication ...
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Tools for Transnational Innovation Support in Centrope (CENTROPE_TT)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

...s, especially considering the high proportion of SMEs and the high number of universities (36 universities and estimated 1000 research institutes in the cities of Brno, Bratislava, Trnava, Györ and Vienna Region). In the field of innovation the involved regions are facing different weaknesses but share one common issue: the insufficient connectivity of regional RTI systems. The project directly ad ...
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CER² is a valuable activity to boost regional development and to increase local economic growth and regional employment by promoting environmentally friendly energy technologies and the rational use of energy. The project supports the regional resource management and reduction of CO2 (Kyoto protocol and EU-"White Book of Renewable Energy", 1999), because its activities assist the realisation and u ...
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Transregional Toolkit for Micro Enterprises (TRATOKI)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

Micro businesses are a key source of jobs, growth, innovation, local development, the creation of skills and services and a main driver for entrepreneurship. Within the EU, SMEs represent about two thirds of total employment, half of which is in micro enterprises. The operation TRATOKI: Transregional toolkit for micro enterprises focuses on access to finance and to support services for micro-busin ...
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Urban Technology Network II (UTN II)

Start date: Oct 31, 2002, End date: Oct 29, 2006,

UTN II is a direct follow-up project of the UTN Urban Technology Network under INTERREG IIc. UTN included four formal partner cities and more than 30 interested cities. Interest and need for continuation of co-operation in the field of urban technologies and urban development have recently been stressed by various proposals for pilot projects presented to the project management of UTN. The network ...
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znejme svého hospodářského partnera (CZ.04.4.83/

Start date: Feb 28, 2006, End date: Sep 29, 2006,

Předložený projekt vychází z projektu „FDI in CENTROPE“, který se bude realizovat v rámci programu Interreg IIIA. Jeho cílem je zejména zviditelnit region CENTROPE ve vztahu k zahraničním investorům a přispět k jejich přílivu. Předložený projekt na tuto činnost navazuje a rozšiřuje ji o další aktivity zaměřené na česko-rakouské pohraničí. V prvé řadě se bude jednat o sběr a zpracování informac ...
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