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Urban Technology Network II (UTN II)
Start date: Oct 31, 2002, End date: Oct 29, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

UTN II is a direct follow-up project of the UTN Urban Technology Network under INTERREG IIc. UTN included four formal partner cities and more than 30 interested cities. Interest and need for continuation of co-operation in the field of urban technologies and urban development have recently been stressed by various proposals for pilot projects presented to the project management of UTN. The network infrastructure enables a focus to be placed on setting up a clear and transparent selection, decision-making and the implementation process of pilot co-operation projects that can use the existing network to increase the development of fundable projects. The international framework for co-operation among cities on developing projects to improve urban infrastructure is stressed by Habitat III, where cities are committed to international networks of co-operation in order to exchange suitable technologies. Furthermore, the UTN II project focuses on: - Supporting cities in the preparation of pilot co-operation projects for funding or for the search for private/public investors to enhance investment in urban services and infrastructure to establish a more balanced standard of living in CADSES cities, - Providing training to upgrade the technical and organisational know-how in provision and management of urban services in the CADSES area, - Providing technical assistance to link cities in need of upgrading their urban services to cities ready to transfer their technical and management experiences, - Providing easy access to information for all network partners. Expected Results: The close co-operation of political and administrative decision-making bodies and experts on the various urban technologies of the cities participating in the UTN II network on concrete pilot co-operation projects and in the long-run, on investment projects in urban infrastructure creates a corporate understanding of the effects of upgrading infrastructure and urban services for all institutions involved. The dissemination of common quality standards within the pilot co-operations projects as well as induced by know-how exchange and transfer in the transnational workshops and exchange programmes should lead to a more balanced situation within the CADSES area in the mid-term. The preparation of co-operation projects within the network and further the approval and implementation of these projects will have positive effects on urban economic development. Local companies have been contracted in implementing or upgrading urban services. The UTN II project should strengthen the urban economy and infrastructure for the social system as a result.
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  • 56.5%   2 825 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

16 Partners Participants