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INCOMMON will be the first study to systematically analyse the field of performing arts as resulting from the practice of commonality both theorized and experienced over the 1960s and the 1970s.In particular, the project is aimed to study the history of the ‘laboratory Italy’ as the place where artistic counterculture expressed by performing arts arose in a milieu characterized by a profound relat ...
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SMARTER TOGETHER’s overarching vision is to find the right balance between smart technologies and organizational/ governance dimensions in order to deliver smart and inclusive solutions and to improve citizen’s quality of life.SMARTER TOGETHER gather the European Lighthouse cities Lyon, Munich, Vienna, the Follower cities Santiago de Compostela, Sofia, Venice and Kyiv and Yokohama as observer citi ...
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Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics (ExSIDE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Expectations play a crucial role in determining the behaviour of many economic decision makers. The recent financial and economic crisis has highlighted the importance of expectation dynamics for economic development, the success of firm strategies and public policies. The Innovative Training Network ExSIDE aims at improving our understanding of the role of expectation formation and social influen ...
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Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Conflict in European Spaces (ODYCCEUS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Social media and the digitization of news and discussion fora are having far-reaching effects on the way individuals and communities communicate, organize, and express themselves. Can the information circulating on these platforms be tapped to better understand and analyze the enormous problems facing our contemporary society? Could this help us to better monitor the growing number of social crise ...
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‘Research is an investment in our future’ says Horizon 2020. That’s only true if you know what to do with it. When it comes to social policy, we don’t really know how to put our research results to use. K4U aims to remedy this. K4U will construct a radically new picture of how to use social science to build better social policies. This picture will be founded on an ambitious philosophical study ...
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This project will undertake the first systematic investigation of the various literary documents that circulated simultaneously in more than one language in Tuscany, and especially Florence, between the mid-13th Century and the beginning of 15th Century. During that period, Florence was both a prominent literary centre in the vernacular, and home to a renewal of classical Latin eloquence. While bo ...
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How does globalisation impact the construction of social inequality? DomEQUAL tackles this question through a study on paid domestic work (PDW). Of the 52.6 million PDWs in the world today, 43 million are women and 7 million are children. The multidimensional transformations brought about by globalisation with the intensification of international migration, the urbanisation of rural and indigenous ...
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Climate Proofing Urban Municipalities (LIFE UrbanProof)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

Background Cities and towns, with their high population densities and dependence on collective infrastructure, are extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The concentration of people in urban centres restricts vegetation and green spaces, thus increasing risks related to heat and floods. The impacts of climate change on the urban environme ...
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The overall goal of ClimeFish is to help ensure that the increase in seafood production comes in areas and for species where there is a potential for sustainable growth, given the expected developments in climate, thus contributing to robust employment and sustainable development of rural and coastal communities. The underlying biological models are based on single species distribution and product ...
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SIGN-HUB aims to provide the first comprehensive response to the societal and scientific challenge resulting from generalized neglect of the cultural and linguistic identity of signing Deaf communities in Europe. It will provide an innovative and inclusive resource hub for the linguistic, historical and cultural documentation of the Deaf communities' heritage and for sign language assessment in cl ...
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REsources from URban BIo-waSte (RES URBIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

RES URBIS aims at making it possible to convert several types of urban bio-waste into valuable bio-based products, in an integrated single biowaste biorefinery and by using one main technology chain. This goal will be pursued through: - collection and analysis of data on urban bio-waste production and present management systems in four territorial clusters that have been selected in different cou ...
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Value Intellectual Property for SMEs (VIP4SME)

Start date: Dec 15, 2015, End date: Dec 14, 2019,

The main goal of the VIP4SME project is to sustainably enhance Intellectual Property (IP) support services to SMEs in order to allow them to understand the value of the intellectual capital they create and own, and to define strategies and management practices allowing them to better turn this capital into commercial values and competitiveness. This challenge will be jointly addressed by 31 Nation ...
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DANUBIUS-PP is a three-year project to raise DANUBIUS-RI (International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems) to the legal, financial and technical maturity required for successful implementation and development. DANUBIUS-RI is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure (RI) building on existing expertise to support interdisciplinary research on river-sea (RS) systems, spanning ...
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The objective of the caLIBRAte project is to establish a state-of-the-art versatile Risk Governance framework for assessment and management of human and environmental risks of MN and MN-enabled products. The framework will be a web-based “system-of-systems” linking different models and methods for: 1) screening of apparent and perceived risks and trends in nanotechnology, 2) control banding, quali ...
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Crossing the Mediterranean: towards investment and integration

Start date: Oct 15, 2014, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

... ECTS credits).Brief descriptionThe European Master “Crossing the Mediterranean: towards Investment and Integration” (MIM) is a two-year study programme jointly offered by Università Cà Foscari Venezia (Italy), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) and Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France). The three universities have an outstanding reputation in their respective fields: languages, his ...
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In a context of rapid economic growth impacting its coastal zone, Morocco must organize a marine and coastal management plan as stipulated in the 2015 Moroccan Coastal Act. However, Morocco is facing one main challenge: to found highly qualified personnel at postgraduate level, with technical and transversal skills, fully able to implement this policy. In this purpose, this Erasmus + Capacity b ...
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Background Within the EU, southern Europe, and the Mediterranean basin in particular, will be most affected by global climate change. Strategies and plans for adaption to climate change are developed at national and regional level in the EU. Italy launched its National Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change (SNAC) in 2014, and officially adopted it in June ...
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Establishing Skills Core for CVET Trainer

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Continuing Vocational and Educational Training (CVET) is one of the major instruments to meet the challenges of the European 2020 strategy. The Bruges Communiqué invited the States Members to improve the training of CVET educators and trainers through flexible trainings to enable them to manage the educational and training tasks which are increasingly broad and complex.The market of continuing vo ...
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Eastern Mediterranean Regional Training Partnership

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The main objective of the EastMed project is the development of a HEI-level Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), focusing on the region of the Eastern Mediterranean. The MOOC, entitled "EU and the Eastern Mediterranean: Prospects and Challenges", will give an emphasis to the concurrent refugee crisis and energy security, and will be developed and delivered in accordance with ECTS/ESG.Europe and the ...
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The development of multilingualism is one of the priorities repeatedly reaffirmed by the European Union. In connection with this language policy, many works and achievements have emerged around the notion of plurilingual and intercultural competence. The development of this competence is one of the first objectives of the Common European Framework for Languages, which is currently the basis for th ...
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The urban and territorial dimension of European Union policies

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The University IUAV is well renowned in Italy and abroad for its several educational programs and its interdisciplinary School of Doctoral studies . The core teaching and research activities are in the fields of architecture, urbanism, urban and regional planning, design and arts. The proposal to introduce a Jean Monnet Chair at IUAV, promoting EU studies with a specific focus on the urban and te ...
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The research project aims to analyze the history of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR), a spiritual awakening movement which was founded in 1967 in the United States of America within the Catholic Church and which spread rapidly throughout the world, so much so that today its has more than 120 million members. The proposal intends to focus on three specific objectives:1. to survey the relation ...
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Nanomaterial FAte and Speciation in the Environment (NanoFASE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Concept: NanoFASE will deliver an integrated Exposure Assessment Framework, including methods, parameter values, model and guidance that will allow Industry to assess the full diversity of industrial nano-enabled products to a standard acceptable in regulatory registrations. Methods to assess how use phases, waste streams and environmental compartments (air, soil, water biota) act as “reactors” in ...
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EQUAL-IST aims at introducing structural changes to enhance gender equality within Information Systems and Technology Research institutions, which have been demonstrated to be among the research sectors most affected by gender inequalities at all levels. The project aims at supporting seven RPOs from Northern, Southern and Central European countries plus a CSI country, in developing and implementi ...
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The scope of the project is to develop and test methods for designing and implementing innovative and sustainable Strategic Plans for Waste Prevention and Management in various urban contexts that will enhance urban environmental resilience and guarantee progress towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns together with improvements waste recovery and recovered materials use. Ur ...
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Study of Religions Against Prejudices and Stereotypes

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2019, in intercultural issues and ICT methodology for schools, along, of course, with three schools interested with previous experiences in similar issues.These institutions are:Università Ca’Foscari Venezia (Italy)Ecole pratique des hautes études, (France)Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)Universität Augsburg (Germany)Syddansk Universitet (Denmark)OXFAM Italia Intercultura (Italy)Liceo Cafoscarini (I ...
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AGEFACTOR project insists on increasing the competences of educators and professionals in the adult education field to promote them for personal and professional branding. In particular, it targets over 50 age group, with an intergenerational approach to provide digital and transversal skills to create social reputation, professional credibility and to be able to increase the opportunity for lifel ...
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"From the twelfth to the seventeenth century, Aristotle’s writings lay at the foundation of Western culture, providing a body of knowledge and a set of analytical tools applicable to all areas of human investigation. Scholars of the Renaissance have emphasized the remarkable longevity and versatility of Aristotelianism, but their attention has remained firmly, and almost exclusively, fixed on the ...
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subCULTron aims for achieving long-term autonomy in a learning, self-regulating, self-sustaining underwater society/culture of robots in a high-impact application area: Venice, Italy. Our heterogeneous system consists of 3 different agent types: On the sea-ground, artificial mussels are the collective long-term memory of the system, allowing information to stay beyond the runtime of other agents, ...
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Ecouter le monde

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Mar 30, 2019,

“Sound of the world" is a project of sound creation carried by an international network of cultural actors which scope is to propose a digital platform dedicated to exploring the sounds of cities. Through this unique experience, the project wishes to develop practice and listening skills. Indeed most people are familiar with looking at the world, but they are less familiar with exploring its audio ...
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SIMPLA - Sustainable Integrated Multi-sector PLAnning (SIMPLA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

SIMPLA responds to topic EE 7 ‘Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures’ and its ultimate goal is empowering public authorities to develop, implement and finance sustainable energy policies and actions by creating the conditions for a smart integration between SEAPs (Sustainable Energy Action Plans) and SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mob ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Two landmark anniversaries will coincide in 2016: the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death and the 500th anniversary of the foundation of the Jewish Ghetto of Venice, a place that provided the world with the concept of the 'ghetto', as well as the historical backdrop to Shakespeare’s controversial play, The Merchant of Venice. This project draws on these two events to reflect and respo ...
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Smart Manufacturing for EU Growth and Prosperity (MAKERS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

MAKERS will bring together leaders from business, academia and policy to study issues related to the drivers and dynamics of sustaining the competitiveness of EU manufacturing sectors. The project’s innovative research, training and mobility activities will address key concerns related to the historic opportunity for the EU to lead a manufacturing renaissance that not only upgrades existing manufa ...
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With the financial crisis stepping up the pressure on labour regimes around Europe, and with the European national economies increasingly subject to the vagaries of an uncertain Chinese growth, questions traditionally of interest only to Chinese labour specialists and rights advocates are taking a whole new dimension. Chinese labour issues have ceased to be local matters and have assumed a particu ...
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Training in Europe

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

The project would take two groups of trainees per year on two week long European work placements. Each group will comprise students studying Travel and Tourism or Hospitality at Levels 1, 2 or 3.Placements will be alongside our host partners' students in travel companies, hotels and kitchens in Didim, Turkey or Aviano, Italy.Our aim is to give trainees a valuable experience which would not usually ...
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NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART (NANORESTART)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Currently there is a lack of methodologies for the conservation of modern and contemporary artworks, many of which will not be accessible in very short time due to extremely fast degradation processes. The challenge of NANORESTART (NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART) will be to address this issue within a new framework with respect to the state of the art of conservation science. NA ...
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Boosting entrepreneuriship through intergenerational exchange

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

BE THE CHANGE wants to develop a methodology capable to promote entrepreneurship competences and skills, through intergenerational learning, based on non-formal and informal education approach, with the goal to trigger entrepreneurial attitude among NEETs by the sharing of knowledge with older people. Moreover the project wants to provide guidelines and recommendation on how to valorize, evaluate ...
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Sustainability achievement and development of climate-adaptive capacity account for fundamental conditions of progress of society, therefore these two interrelated concepts need to be studied concurrently. With the harmonization of national legislation with European framework, sustainable development becomes important issue in Western Balkans countries. However, the education sector - one of the m ...
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Ancient scholarship on archaic Greek iambic poetry (ASAGIP)

Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2018,

The proposed research concerns ancient scholarship on archaic Greek iambic poetry from the Hellenistic to the Byzantine period. It investigates the history of such scholarship in its various embodiments (editions, commentaries, marginal annotations, monographs on individual topics, author- and genre-specific lexica, and others) and the aims, concerns, assumptions, and techniques that it deployed. ...
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The proposed Project is the critical edition (editio princeps) of the Greek translation of Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae Ia IIae by Demetrios Cydones and of its partial Compendium by Cardinal Bessarion. The proposed research is part of the “Thomas de Aquino Byzantinus” Project, which is held by the Royal Holloway University of London and the Department of Education of the University of Patras. ...
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