Search for European Projects

The urban and territorial dimension of European Union policies
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The University IUAV is well renowned in Italy and abroad for its several educational programs and its interdisciplinary School of Doctoral studies . The core teaching and research activities are in the fields of architecture, urbanism, urban and regional planning, design and arts. The proposal to introduce a Jean Monnet Chair at IUAV, promoting EU studies with a specific focus on the urban and territorial dimension of EU policies, is a response to the demand for new teaching activities in the subject field which has already been identified as of major interest, but have not yet been covered in the official curricula. Although IUAV educational programs offer a variety of courses addressing urban and territorial crucial subjects (such as climate change, sustainability and renewable energies, migration, landscape protection, transportation and mobility, urban regeneration, etc.), which are key targets for EU policy-making, students do not automatically come into contact with EU studies in their curricula. The School of Doctoral studies is particularly interested in equipping PhD students and young professionals with the knowledge of EU subjects relevant for their academic and professional lives and enhancing their civic skills (related to EU policy programs and the understanding of EU Urban Acquis, urbanisation and rural development, research and innovation, EU citizenship).A member of IUAV academic permanent staff is a political scientist, qualified for teaching EU policies. The Chair will offer 3 training courses within official curricula: two new ones for PhD students and young professionals (30 hours of introductory seminars and 40 hours of project work on Euro-design- the topic in increasing demand on the labour market); and a course for bachelor students, as a renewal of an on-going activity (40 hours of lectures on EU policies). In addition, activities like networking and research, debates targeting policy makers and civil society will be promoted annually

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