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11 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Emissions from fossil fuels are the largest contributor to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect, so a reduction in fossil-energy use is a clear priority for the environment. Yet, because some emissions will be unavoidable, a responsible strategy also means actively withdrawing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Such carbon sequestration faces multi-faceted challenges: the net withdrawal of carbon ...
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The increasing use of renewable energies, in this case focussed on Biomass, will play a considerable role in future regional development, both from the economic and the ecological side. Looking at existing activities in the field of biomass, the available knowledge regarding technologies and support opportunities is often underused and little harmonized which can be identified as one major obstacl ...
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Today HE (Higher Educational) organizations have activities in education, R&D&I and other services but they are segmented with only few links between them. Therefore the full potential of the teachers, students and staff is not taken into use in all of these operations. The curricula have not allowed students to select and earn credits by working in R&D&I and other university services. There are n ...
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INFINITY project intends to become an INternational Fellowship IN transdisciplinarITY; its main theme is “Urban Agriculture”. INFINITY is about sustainability, and aims to strengthen a viable partnership of EU and all of lot 5 countries - aligning the Lisbon Strategy with the EM programme’s objectives. INFINITY is set in a transdisciplinary framework in the following thematic fields:01 Agriculture ...
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‘FEEL’ (Funny, easy and effective learning about countries, cultures and languages) aimed to provide basic knowledge (elementary vocabulary, grammar and phonetics) about the languages of the 10 countries that joined the EU in 2004, and to introduce EU citizens to the cultures that lie behind these languages as a way of challenging any misconceptions and stereotypes that might exist.
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Flexible VET for better healthcare : The project has created a modular e-learning course supplied through a Virtual Quality Centre in accordance with a methodology drawn up by the partners. This will in time lead to organisational improvements in the healthcare sector. This project started in 2003 and lasted 26 months.
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A wide-ranging programme for business training : A curriculum of nine modules on three levels has been produced to enable SME managers to run their businesses more efficiently and also to permit people who are not in work to integrate the labour market. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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Based on the previous LDV projects “EU-Excert” (S/03/B/F/PP-161014) and “Development of a European occupational profile and curriculum for the recycling sector” (D/00/B/F/PP-112149), the project will develop European occupational standard, presenting the competences and skills of energy supply security management. The project will establish a training and education programme aimed at restoring and ...
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The project addresses the promotion of skills required for the re-use of urban land, known as 'brownfield site redevelopment'. The project will facilitate an exchange of expertise amongst its partners and knowledge on this topic will be developed into versions of a generic educational package that can be used on a cross-thematic and cross-professional basis. The project will build upon previously- ...
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The European researches have shown that technological ‘hybridisation’, where electric-electronics, mechanics and computer sciences are joined in the new interdisciplinary field mechatronics, is between the structural drivers of change in the electro-mechanical industry.The problem of vocational training schools with mechatronics programs is not only low student capacity another important problem o ...
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This project focuses on transfer of knowledge in the issue of brownfields. The decision on transfer of knowledge was approached on the basis of evaluation of the previous project – Lifelong Educational Project on Brownfields – LEPOB. The projects main target groups are practising professionals, developers, civil servants, academicians and students. The partnership consists of two partners from the ...
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