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UNDERSTAND - European Energy Supply Security Management Co-ordinators UNDERway towards STANDard indicators for continuous VET

Based on the previous LDV projects “EU-Excert” (S/03/B/F/PP-161014) and “Development of a European occupational profile and curriculum for the recycling sector” (D/00/B/F/PP-112149), the project will develop European occupational standard, presenting the competences and skills of energy supply security management. The project will establish a training and education programme aimed at restoring and maintaining the competence of emergency planners and emergency operators in European energy supply security management. A White Paper on Occupational Standards in the field of energy supply security management, a glossary of terms and a European society, forming an organisation for the commercial exploitation of the final results during the project will be created. Target groups are employees, employers, managers/owners of SMEs.
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