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Description (EN): The Alps are Europes WATER-TOWERS, providing MULTIPLE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES such as water for human consumption, agriculture, industry, energy and maintaining tourism, recreation & quality of life not only for the residents but also for surrounding lowlands & big metropolitan areas. Alpine rivers are the BLUE BACKBONES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, but only healthy rive ...
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INSPEC2T projects’ scope is to develop a sustainable framework for Community Policing that effectively addresses and promotes seamless collaboration between the police and the community. INSPEC2T approach bases its conceptual foundations on EU crime prevention and Member States specific Internal Security Policies, validated research results and best practices from cooperation between police and lo ...
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The project primarily aims to strengthen the Danube regional cultural identity and brand by fostering transnational cultural ties between the settlements along the Danube, and at the same time, by exploring the unused or hidden cultural and social capital resources of this regional network. The main goal of the project is to create a comprehensive tourism strategy connecting all cities along the D ...
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Creating an Agenda for Research ON Transportation sEcuity (CARONTE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

Easy, efficient, safe and secure transportation is a core factor for European growth, collaboration and employment and therefor an item in the Europe 2020 strategy. Land transportation has two main challenges concerning security: avoiding interrupts of transport itself to assure the flow of freight and passengers to guarantee supply of the population and avoiding that transportation modes themselv ...
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"ENCCA aims to establish a durable, European Virtual Institute clinical and translational research in childhood and adolescent cancers that will define and implement an integrated research strategy and will facilitate the necessary investigator-driven clinical trials to introduce the new generation of biologically targeted drugs into standard of care for children and adolescents with cancer. This ...
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At the moment, waterways as a transport mode are not used to their full potential; hence cargo transported on the Danube is only 10-20% of that transported on the Rhine (cf. DG REGIO leaflet "The EU Strategy for the Danube Region", December 2010). The NEWS project will be able to contribute to the Danube Region Strategy's (EUSDR) aim to increase cargo transport on the river by 20% by 2020 compared ...
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African Programme for Advanced Research Epidemiology Training (APARET)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The APARET fellowship programme will catalyse independent research activities of graduates of Field Epidemiology Training Programmes (FETP) and Field Epidemiology Laboratory Training programmes (FELTP) in Africa. APARET fellows will be employed as research associates by African APARET partners for 2 years (salary provided by host institute). During the first year of their contract they will be emb ...
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Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe (CLUE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The project idea Climate Neutral Urban Districts in Europe (CLUE) was formulated by a team of experts at the City of Stockholm and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The project idea was first presented during the EU Interregional Cooperation Forum, 20/21 September 2007, Lisbon. The objective of the CLUE regional development project is increased regional capacity in policy development ...
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Biomass constitutes a sector of the highest energy potentials both, in South East Europe and in the EU27. It covers more than half of the renewable energy sources for heat applications, and as heat covers more than half of the final energy consumption in Europe, biomass obviously is a key domain to meet the ambitious 2020 targets of the Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC). The project FOROPA a ...
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latform to Form Opinions Related to Mobility (PLAT.F.O.R.M.)

Start date: Aug 31, 2013, End date: Nov 29, 2014,

PLATFORM aims at integrating social sustainability into infrastructure planning decision making, considering community needs, equitable accessibility and polycentric design that enhances social participation. As EU policies underline, social impacts and interests of local authorities and civil society affected by a common project should be taken into account to prevent conflicts. In this policy fr ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

Description The PlanetData project aims to establish an interdisciplinary, sustainable European community of researchers, helping organizations to expose their data on the Web PlanetData will push forward the state-of-the-art in large-scale data management and its application to the creation of us ...
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1. Background and objectives Access to information, broadband connectivity and financing of virtual accessibility are key components necessary for the development, adoption and use of ICT in the economy and society. Inadequacies in the telecommunication infrastructure and accessibility to services among the individual countries and regions of the programme area hamper significantly competitiveness ...
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The main problem addressed is the marginalization that a major transport infrastructure (MTI) can cause to alpine areas. The project aims at making mountain areas catch the opportunities of MTIs, rather than just suffer their environmental and social impact, targeting the phases of piloting and policy implementation.The project foresees the elaboration of an unbiased method to measure the value of ...
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As population of our cities grow, so does land area and this result in increase of an average temperature. The buildings and roads absorb temperature produced during the day, like giant heaters, and store it. The energy is then released during the night time. This often means a big difference in the temperature between city and its surrounding areas.This phenomenon is called the Urban Heat Island ...
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The Northern Adriatic region, going clockwise from Rijeka/Koper to the Emilia Romagna region coast represents the Southern terminal of the Adriatic Baltic transport corridor. The relevance of this corridor increased in the last years because of the economic growth of the Central European regions and with this connected continuous increase in transport demand. However the transport supply has been ...
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BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites (BE-NATUR)

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2014,

One of the current most important and demanding challenges is to face the loss of biodiversity, encompassing the diversity of both habitat and species types. A strong EU legal basis for the nature conservation provides the foundation for the preservation of the EU natural heritage. We refer in particular to Habitats and Birds Directives, whose design of Natura 2000 network is based on. The SEE Cou ...
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Services of General Interest (SeGi)

Start date: Oct 31, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

Services of general interest traditionally comprehend electronic communications, postal services, electricity, gas, water and transport. Policymakers more recent documents tend to be more comprehensive and also look at labour market services, education, health care, child care, social care, culture or (social) housing. Socio-economic policies much focus on ensuring the provision of services of gen ...
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Tools for Transnational Innovation Support in Centrope (CENTROPE_TT)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

...s, especially considering the high proportion of SMEs and the high number of universities (36 universities and estimated 1000 research institutes in the cities of Brno, Bratislava, Trnava, Györ and Vienna Region). In the field of innovation the involved regions are facing different weaknesses but share one common issue: the insufficient connectivity of regional RTI systems. The project directly ad ...
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...nube Region as one of the most important areas in Europe and has set up a macro-regional strategy encouraging long term co-operation to tackle a wide range of policy challenges. The capital cities of Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Bratislava and Ljubljana wish to play an active role in this co-operation. These big cities are important drivers of development. The five cities therefore wish to strengthen ...
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Transnational Ecological Networks in Central Europe (TransEcoNet)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

Protected areas, like national parks, nature parks or biosphere reserves, are often isolated islands for the protection of the worlds biodiversity. They are separated by less or unprotected landscapes, traffic corridors or settlements. Often animal and plant species dispose of less space for migration, dispersion and reproduction than necessary. To preserve natural and cultural heritage in the lon ...
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...ages on the project web page. Moreover the e-learning modul has been placed on the project as well and is interlinked with the "Le:Notre" thematic network website, under the responsability of the Vienna Technical University. The project has been extensively publicly promoted and disseminated through 3 thematic seminars and final conference, presentations and it continues to receive extensive media ...
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LNG Power Train for Danube Inland Navigation (LDS)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: May 29, 2011,

The project constitutes a feasibility study on the sustainable reduction of CO2 emissions as well as particle and NO2 emissions by using LNG (liquefied methane and bio methane) for Danube navigation. The study serves as preliminary planning for an experimental development project for a retrofit solution, contributing to short-and medium-term achievement of the Austrian climate targets.
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Semantics of Gödel logics (GOEDELSEM)

Start date: Aug 1, 2007, End date: Jul 31, 2008,

The study of different semantics is actually the study of the very objects of mathematics the logic is related to. What we call today `Gödel logics' was developed from and for the analysis of very different mathematical objects: The real numbers, Kripke frames, and Heyting algebras. Purpose of this project is the relations between these semantics.The semantics based on subsets of the real interval ...
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Multifunctional Intensive Land Use in Europe (MILUNET)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The overall objective of MILUnet is to create an effective partnership network, aiming to promote Multifunctional Intensive Land Use as a means to achieve more sustainable (urban) development in the EU. By utilising expertise and know-how on MILU, regional and local governments have the possibility to increase the effectiveness of both urban policy implementation and planning towards sustainabilit ...
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The ELISA proposal aims at improving the access to knowledge and the information society of SMEs in South-East Europe, through close cooperation of academic and business communities at a transnational level, by transferring EU best practice training know-how and by developing national training strategies. Emphasis is given to SMEs from rural and distant areas in Albania, FYROM, Bulgaria and Serbia ...
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LAnners NETwork for CENtral and South East Europe (PLANET CENSE)

Start date: Oct 31, 2003, End date: Feb 17, 2007,

PLANET CENSE is a network of national spatial planning institutions and experts established as a consequence of the VISION PLANET project. It aims at pursuing and developing further the policy options laid down in the VISION PLANET project documents. The network will foster spatial integration and a cross-sector dialogue with: - The European Spatial Planning Gateway (ESP GATEWAY): an expert dialog ...
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Protected cross-border regions in the CADSES area face similar problems. Often frontiers divide one region of cultural and natural heritage into more than one national park, biosphere reserve, nature reserve or protected landscape area and they are situated in two or more countries. As a consequence, two or more administrations, management structures and - if existing - spatial information systems ...
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The development of new retail locations in green fields far away from urban centres promotes rapid urban sprawl and leads to traffic congestion and environmental problems and contradicts sustainable regional development. The settlement of retail enterprises in city centres can lead to a healthier development structure. The project VITAL CITIES aimed to strengthen polycentric urban systems and to c ...
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The Erasmus Mundus External Co-operation window gives the consortium of 8 EU and 12 RF partners the opportunity to build up a blueprint for a university exchange scheme modelled after the Bologna acquis and the guidelines of the Erasmus programme. The number of mobility flows, the broad coverage of various thematic priority fields, the integration into several existing co-operation projects will g ...
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SHARE Academic Network

Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

Through the SHARE Academic Network (STEP CHANGE HIGHER ARTS RESEARCH + EDUCATION), the European Higher Arts Education sector delivers a systematically coordinated STEP CHANGE in realising an EU-wide integrated enhancement of 3rd cycle creative education. The 3rd cycle in higher arts education is the essential education and research bed for the creative industries, a key fast growing sector in Euro ...
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Sport is a powerful tool for socioeconomic development and personal & collective wellbeing. In research & higher education this involves the expansion of Physical Education (PE) into Sport Science (SpS), accounting for much wider scope & new science, implications & job market needs: in teaching, training, management, health, social work, etc. Many West Balkan (WB) countries, with their growing ec ...
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The wider objective of EduSFE is to modernize higher education in Finance on Master-level in the remote Russian regions Siberia and Far East in line with the Bologna process. The regional focus of the project was chosen, as Siberia and Far East are underprivileged territories which have not received much attention so far. This is also reflected in intentions of the Russian government to enhance hi ...
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Renewable energy is highly important for the future economy in the partner countries in the Balkan region with limited energy resources in a growing economy and with the related environmental problems. The wider objective of the project is therefore the reform of the studies in the five partner universities in the field of renewable energy. Thereby existing studies are upgraded and new Master stud ...
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In spite of rapid development in all area of applied biotechnology all over the world. Egyptian universities and scientific institution somehow are still behind . Biotechnology provides a library of advanced scientific tools in all sectors of human activities including drug development, biomedicine, plant improvement and bio-pesticides, so biotechnology is expected to contribute massively in globa ...
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Project “Regional sustainable development on the basis of eco-human synergetic interaction (multidisciplinary training course for MSc, PhD and LLL students in engineering)” – SEHSI is aimed at providing positive changes in regional sustainable development (RSD) based on cognitive and personality growth of “agents of positive changes” by developing eco-humanistic knowledge, thinking & behavior. Sp ...
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The fast-growing elderly population in Europe and its care needs require solutions like AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) to ensure economical sustainability. AAL is emerging as a set of tools for care of the elderly and disabled capable of improving their quality of life. Furniture has certain features that can improve the non-intrusive monitoring of users and interaction of AAL systems, which repres ...
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Blended Learning (bLearning) is a relatively new teaching method which emerged in the last 8 years; developed as a combination of classroom teaching and distance learning, this method takes up an important role in the educational system. Big companies were the first to use this teaching and training concept because they expected cost reductions.Nowadays the first research work about the efficiency ...
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Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia-E14 is an exchange programme for students and staff between 7 European and 10 Asian Universities.The grantees are selected in 3 cohorts. The online application period for the 1st cohort is Nov.-Dec. 2013; 38 EU and Asian staff and 15 doctorates are selected in Jan. 2014. The 2nd cohort with 75 Asian students and 6 postdocs is selected in Dec. 2014. The 3rd cohor ...
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In the past 20 years, 953 disasters killed nearly 88,671 people in Europe, affected more than 29 million others and caused a total of 269 US$ billion economic losses. The EU Flood Risk Directive (FRD) 2007/60/EC developed by the European Commission and entered into force on 26 November 2007 and to be actively implemented before 22 December 2021. There is a significant need for raising the awarenes ...
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