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Animated Learning for Transitions - Early Recognition

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...p of seven European partners from very different backgrounds, creating a focused team of animation, gaming, and learning experts affiliated with relevant but varied environments. The applicant is VIA University College in Denmark - The Animation Workshop - Animated Learning Lab which for the last 20 years has worked with animation as a learning tool. The six partners are two NGO’s - Camera-ETC in ...
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Optical Quantum Control of Magnetic Molecules (OptoQMol)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

A revolution is underway, as molecular magnets are establishing a fundamental link between spintronics, molecular electronics and quantum computation. On the other hand, we know almost nothing on how a magnetic molecule is affected by electrons flowing through it or by the excitation of a molecular group. OptoQMol will investigate these uncharted waters by developing innovative, ultra-clean method ...
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Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain (FOODINTEGRITY)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Food Integrity “the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished or in perfect condition”.Providing assurance to consumers and other stakeholders about the safety, authenticity and quality of European food (integrity) is of prime importance in adding value to the European Agri-food economy. The integrity of European foods is under constant threat from fraudulently labelled imitations that try to ...
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MyStory: Digital Storytelling Toolbox for Diversity Training in Schools

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

The MYSTY Project provides a means for teachers to share and embed innovative teaching practice to enhance awareness of cultural diversity. At the same time it will increase pupils’ cultural awareness and expression and enhance their social and civic competence. MYSTY will also support teacher and pupil digital competence.MYSTY involves the collection, editing and uploading of digital stories to t ...
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"The aim of SYBIL is to carry out extensive functional validation of the genetic determinants of rare and common skeletal diseases and the age related factors contributing to these painful conditions. To achieve this goal SYBIL will gather complementary translational and transnational scientists, systems biologists, disease modellers, leading SMEs and industrialists that will perform in-depth char ...
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ECRIN is a distributed ESFRI-roadmap pan-European infrastructure designed to support multinational clinical research, making Europe a single area for clinical studies, taking advantage of its population size to access patients. Servicing multinational trials started during its preparatory phase, and it now applies for an ERIC status by 2011. The ERIC budget will be restricted to core activities re ...
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Operational Potential of Ecosystem Research Applications (OPERAs)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Human use and exploitation of the biosphere is increasing at such a pace and scale that the sustainability of major ecosystems is threatened, and may not be able to continue to function in ways that are vital to the existence of humanity. Re-framing environmental resource use has led to the emergence of the concepts of ecosystem services (ES) and natural capital (NC). This discourse indicates not ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

COUNTERFOG will be a new, rapid response system for collapsing all kinds of dispersed agents (smoke, fog, spores, etc.) by using a fog made of a solution that could eventually contain any kind of neutralizing component. It will be a permanent installation in large public buildings like railway stations but also a portable COUNTERFOG for use outdoors, used to counteract a CBRN attack in its earlies ...
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Drug development in TB requires new integrated methods to transition the novel combination regimens needed to shorten first-line therapy and combat multi-drug resistance. Although new agents are emerging, the path to registration of such regimens remains uncertain while capacity for pivotal trials is limited. Selection and optimization of drug combinations for development depends on preclinical sy ...
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Training & Research Involving Polymer Optical Devices (TRIPOD)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The project is located in the field of optical fibre sensors - an area where Europe has developed internationally competitive research and commercial activity. The aim is to significantly extend the range of application of optical fibre grating sensors by developing a mature version of the technology in polymer optical fibres and thereby increase European competitiveness.Polymer fibres offer some ...
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"Measurement for Europe: Training and Research for Internet Communications Science (METRICS) METRICS will offer a unique training and research opportunity for 13 ESRs and one ER in a network comprising seven partners and nine associate partners. The METRICS network comprises four strong academic partners (Aalto, UC3M, UCAM, UCL), three vendors (NEC, Ericsson, Narus), four ISPs (BT, TID, IIJ, Elisa ...
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Up to 20 million European citizens suffer from food allergy. However management of both food allergy (by patients and health practitioners) and allergens (by industry) is thwarted by lack of evidence to either prevent food allergy developing or protect adequately those who are already allergic. iFAAM will develop evidence-based approaches and tools for MANAGEMENT of ALLERGENS in FOOD and integrate ...
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...ainees and strengthen important research partnerships within Europe. International associated partners in Europe (CERN, and other leading companies), the USA (FNAL and companies) and Korea (Seoul University and Samsung) bring advanced and complementary technical capabilities. The combination of the technologies addressed promises to deliver dramatically increased performance in all application are ...
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Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine (MLPM2012)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"Over the last decade, enormous progress has been made on recording the health state of an individual patient down to the molecular level of gene activity and genomic information – even sequencing a patient’s genome for less than 1000 dollars is no longer an unrealistic goal. However, the ultimate hope to use all this information for personalized medicine, that is to tailor medical treatment to th ...
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The target of the Smartonics project is the development of Pilot lines that will combine smart technologies with smart nanomaterials for the precision synthesis of Organic Electronic (OE) devices.The Smartonics objectives are:1.Development of smart Nanomaterials for OEs (polymer & small molecule films, plasmonic NPs and super-barriers) by process and computational modeling optimization.2.Developme ...
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The project ORIGINS aims to study the security of the extended border and more particularily passport breeder document security. The underlying idea of ORIGINS is to improve the security and therefore to restore the confidence in the application process and issuance of e-passports, by filling the gaps in security of breeder documents. Indeed, while some assurance approaches have been implemented i ...
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The main goal of the ENHANCE project is to develop and analyse new ways to enhance society’s resilience to catastrophic natural hazard impacts, by providing new scenarios and information in selected hazard cases in close collaboration with stakeholders, and by contributing to the development of new multi-sector partnerships (MSPs) to reduce or redistribute risk. Innovation in MSPs is essential, a ...
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"Application of standards, certification schemes and labels has positive long-term effects on the overall development of the European bio-based product market. Good product information that presents correct claims to industry and public procurers is vital for the usage of these new products. Ensuring the sustainable sourcing of raw materials and the effective bio-content are important additional s ...
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Volume production at industrial scale of miniaturised multi-material 3D (polymer-polymer, metal-polymer, metal-metal, polymer-ceramics,...) still face important challenges to be affordable by SMEs. Challenges not only in terms of precision manufacturing (precision engineering
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Federation for FIRE (Fed4FIRE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

A federation of experimentation facilities will significantly accelerate Future Internet research. Fed4FIRE will deliver open and easily accessible facilities to the FIRE experimentation communities, which focus on fixed and wireless infrastructures, services and applications, and combinations thereof. The project will develop a demand-driven common federation framework, based on an open architect ...
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CITI-SENSE will develop “citizens’ observatories” to empower citizens to contribute to and participate in environmental governance, to enable them to support and influence community and societal priorities and associated decision making. CITI-SENSE will develop, test, demonstrate and validate a community-based environmental monitoring and information system using innovative and novel Earth Observa ...
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ESTEEM2 is an integrated infrastructure of electron microscopy facilities providing access for the academic and industrial research community in the physical sciences to some of the most powerful characterization techniques available at the nanoscale. Transnational access to ESTEEM2 centres is obtained through a transparent, simple peer review process based on merit and scientific priorities. Serv ...
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Multi-Robot Cognitive Systems Operating in Hospitals (MOnarCH)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Description MOnarCH targets the development of a novel framework to model mixed human-robot societies, and its demonstration using a network of heterogeneous robots and sensors, in the pediatric area of an oncological hospital. It will handle uncertainties introduced by people and robots, generate natural interactions and engage in edutainme ...
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Epigenetics towards systems biology (EPIGENESYS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

The ‘EpiGeneSys’ Network of Excellence aims to enable European epigenetics research to enter the arena of systems biology, a new step forward with major implications for human health. Many diseases, not explained solely by gene mutation, have rather been associated with epigenetic disorders. Following the identification of key epigenetic regulators, a move towards a systems biology approach is nee ...
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Initial Training for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (ITARS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

"This proposal brings together a group of universities, research organisations and high-tech companies from different disciplines (meteorology, geosciences, physics, electrical engineering, mathematics) with the aim to foster training and further development in the area of remote sensing of the atmosphere. The last years have brought a rapid development in instrumental techniques, i.e. lidar, rad ...
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Trilogy 2: Building the Liquid Net (Trilogy 2)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

This Trilogy 2 project is a 3-year Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP) targeting Challenge 1 of the 7th FrameworkProgramme: "Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures".The project scope lies entirely within Objective 1.1, "Future Networks"and in particular in bullet c) Novel Internet architectures, management and operation frameworks.The aim of the project is to ...
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Network for Integrated Cellular Homeostasis (NICHE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

"There is a need for greater understanding of integrated cellular physiology to exploit cells and to tailor their activities to optimise microbial productivity in synthetic circuits and to limit microbial activity in food and pharmaceutical products. Understanding the integration of the cellular metabolic processes is fundamental to developing and exploiting cells. We have assembled a team of inte ...
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"The colonisation of Europe by anatomically modern humans (AMHs) ca. 45,000 years before present (BP) and the transition to farming ca. 8,000 BP are two major events in human prehistory. Both events involved certain cultural and biological adaptations, technological innovations, and behavioural plasticity which are unique to our species. The reconstruction of these processes and the causality betw ...
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The aim of TINN is to evaluate ciprofloxacin, fluconazole and micafungin in neonates; two anti-infectious drugs included in the EMEA priority list of the therapeutic areas that need specific drug evaluation in preterm and term neonates. These drugs are prescribed off-label to treat neonatal infections that are life threatening situations and associated with long-term complications. In order to val ...
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Knowledge Based Bio-based Products' Pre-Standardization (KBBPPS)

Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

"The application of standards and certification systems in the European bio-based product industry has positive long-term effects on the overall development of bio-based product markets. Trade barriers are reduced and the development of a pan-European market for bio-based products is promoted. Finally, public acceptance of bio-based products is increased through ensuring and verifying the sustaina ...
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EXPEER will bring together, major observational, experimental, analytical and modelling facilities in ecosystem science in Europe. By uniting these highly instrumented ecosystem research facilities under the same umbrella and with a common vision, EXPEER will form a key contribution to structuring and improving the European Research Area (ERA) within terrestrial ecosystem research.EXPEER builds ...
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Leone: From global measurements to local management (LEONE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

The Leone project is a 30-month long STREP targeting "Future Networks" within the 7th Framework programme. The project addresses "Novel Internet architectures, management and operation frameworks".The goal of the Leone project is to research and develop an innovative network management framework that has two novelties:• It is focused on Quality of Experience: Probes sited alongside end use ...
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Recent pharmacovigilance (PV) issues have led to questions regarding the ability of the current PV system to meet the global needs. Controversies around the assessment of spontaneous reports and conflicting results from pharmacoepidemiology studies may lead to delay in, or inappropriate, regulatory decisions. The PROTECT consortium, consisting of 20 core partners lead by the European Medicines Age ...
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Motivation. The last decades brought an exponential increase in mobile traffic volume. This will continue and a 1000-fold increase by 2020 has been forecasted. Small-cells promise to provide the required data rates through an increased spatial utilisation of the spectrum.Problem statement. Due to strong inter-cell interference, small-cell deployments will require a high degree of coordination as o ...
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The goal of the DCP-PhysBio exchange program is to bring together several European teams (France, Germany, UK), Israel, as well as partners from Russia and Ukraine. We want to use our combined expertise to study various challenging dynamical and cooperative phenomena taking place in complex physical and biological systems. All the teams have a track record of research in these areas concentrating ...
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Europeana Fashion

Start date: Mar 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Europeana Fashion is a best practice network co-funded under the CIP ICT-PSP programme and composed by 22 partners from 12 European countries, which represent the leading European institutions and collections in the fashion domain. The consortium will aggregate and provide to Europeana the most outstanding and rich materials about the history of European fashion, include more than 700.000 fashion- ...
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NET4SOCIETY3 is the continuation of the international network of National Contact Points for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH NCPs). NCPs are set up to guide researchers in their quest for securing EU funding. NET4SOCIETY was established in 2008 and includes almost 60 SSH NCPs from Europe and beyond.Facing the transition from FP7 to Horizon 2020, NET4SOCIETY3 will help researchers prepa ...
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Since the end of the Cold War there has been an explosion in the international drugs market and a consequent general desire to review and reform the existing international control regime. Academic understanding of the role of the drugs market in the international economy has increased, but the cumulative impact of counter-narcotics measures in transit chain countries between source and market rema ...
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Stroke is a disease with very high socio-economic impact. In average the healthcare expenditure cost for Strokes across different countries in Europe and USA is 3% of their entire healthcare expenditure. This includes inpatient treatment cost, outpatient hospital visits and long-term rehabilitation and care. Analysis showed that costs of long-term care have increased from 13% to 49% of overall cos ...
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PEDCA Pan-European Data Centre Academy (PEDCA)

Start date: Jul 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Data centres are the cornerstones which underpin the digital economy, and create the essential environment for both business and employment to flourish. It is becoming urgent for established data centre states to contribute to R&D, share and develop skills, define standards and promote strategies for network investment. All of these activities will lead to increased trust of new technology such as ...
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