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35 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Organic solar cells (OSCs) have the potential to become an environmental friendly, inexpensive, large area and flexible photovoltaics technology. Their main advantages are low process temperatures, the potential for very low cost due to abundant materials and scalable processing, and the possibility of producing flexible devices on plastic substrates. To improve their commercialization capacity, t ...
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EXTended Model of Organic Semiconductors (EXTMOS)

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

EXTMOS’ main objective is to create a materials model and the related user friendly code that will focus on charge transport in doped organic semiconductors. Its aims are (i) to reduce the time to market of(a) multilayer organic light emitting devices, OLEDs, with predictable efficiencies and long lifetimes (b) organic thin film transistors and circuits with fast operation.(ii) to reduce productio ...
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The Modern2020 project aims at providing the means for developing and implementing an effective and efficient repository operational monitoring programme, taking into account the requirements of specific national programmes. The work allows advanced national radioactive waste disposal programmes to design monitoring systems suitable for deployment when repositories start operating in the next deca ...
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SUSPOL-EJD is an European Joint Doctorate in “Organocatalysis and Sustainable Polymers”. SUSPOL-EJD is set up by a consortium formed by four Academic beneficiaries: University of Bordeaux (FR), University of the Basque Country (SP), University of Mons (B) and University of Warwick (UK). Furthermore, six industrial organizations: BASF (D), Purac Corbion (NL), Critical Pharma (UK), Synthomer (UK), I ...
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iSwitch will offer top-level multi-disciplinary and supra-sectorial training to a pool of talented young researchers, involving contributions from different scientific and technological fields such as, supramolecular chemistry, materials, nanoscience, physics and engineering. iSwitch’s appointees will be trained through lecture courses, dedicated international schools and workshops, topical confer ...
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Euro-BioImaging Preparatory Phase II - Project (EuBI PPII)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Euro-BioImaging (EuBI) is the pan-European research infrastructure project for imaging technologies in biological and medical sciences and has been on the ESFRI Roadmap since 2008. In close match with the scope and objectives of the INFRADEV2 call, Preparatory Phase II (PPII) funding will enable EuBI:• to finalize the submission and approval procedure of its ERIC statutes with the EC and bring the ...
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"The key objective of the M4CO2 project is to develop and prototype Mixed Matrix Membranes based on highly engineered Metal organic frameworks and polymers (M4) that outperform current technology for CO2 Capture (CO2) in pre- and post-combustion, meeting the energy and cost reduction targets of the European SET plan.By applying the innovative concept of M4 by a consortium of world key players, con ...
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The BYEFOULING project will address high volume production of low toxic and environmentally friendly antifouling coatings for mobile and stationary maritime applications. The technology will fulfil the coating requirements as a result of the incorporation of novel antifouling agents and a new set of binders into coating formulations for maritime transportation and fishing vessels, floating devices ...
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Cultural expression is not limited to architecture, monuments or collections of artifacts. It also includes fragile intangible live expressions, which involve knowledge and skills. Such expressions include music, dance, singing, theatre, human skills and craftsmanship.These manifestations of human intelligence and creativeness constitute our Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). ICH is at the same t ...
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The demand for biobased polymers is growing fast. According to the current state of the art, metal-containing catalysts are needed to improve the polymerisation rate of lactones, posing a hazard to health and the environment. InnoREX will develop a novel reactor concept using alternative energies for the continuous, highly precise, metal-free polymerisation of PLA.In InnoREX, metal-containing cata ...
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"The proposed 4-year program of knowledge transfer and networking between 3 EU and 3 Russian partners with the world leading expertise targets an emerging area of ultra-long fibre lasers and random fibre lasers and their telecommunication and sensing applications. The goal of the proposed research is to establish an efficient and stable knowledge transfer mechanisms to improve project partners pos ...
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Television Linked To The Web (LinkedTV)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

Description Web and TV seamlessly interlinked = LinkedTVOur vision of future Television Linked To The Web (LinkedTV) is of a ubiquitously online cloud of video content decoupled from place, device or source.Television existing in the same ecosystem as the Web means that TV and Web content should and can be seamlessly connected, and browsi ...
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Status and Trends of European Pollinators (STEP)

Start date: Feb 1, 2010, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

Pollinators form a key component of European biodiversity, and provide vital ecosystem services to crops and wild plants. There is growing evidence of declines in both wild and domesticated pollinators, and parallel declines in plants relying upon them. STEP will document the nature and extent of these declines, examine functional traits associated with particular risk, develop a Red List of some ...
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"GENIUS aims at offering highest-quality supra-sectoral and cross-disciplinary training to a pool of promising young researchers, in an area at the interface between Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials- and Nano-Science, Physics and Electrical Engineering. GENIUS appointees will be trained in lecture courses, dedicated schools and workshops, and through an ambitious and carefully planned research ...
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Laughter is a significant feature of human communication, and machines acting in roles like companions or tutors should not be blind to it. So far very limited progress has been made towards allowing computer-based applications to deal with laughter.ILHAIRE will lay the foundations of truly multimodal, multicultural laughter-enabled man-machine interaction, by associating experts of the different ...
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Glycomics by High-throughput Integrated Technologies (GlycoHIT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

Protein glycosylation is a post-translational phenomenon that is involved in most physiological and disease processes including cancer. Most of the known cancer-associated glycobiomarkers were discovered individually using liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy. Though valuable, there is room for improvement in these approaches for the discovery phase. There is also a critical need for innova ...
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With the accelerating materials development cycles, the development of simulation approaches for predictive, de-novo characterization and optimization of materials and device properties emerges as a grand challenge to European R&D. A unified multi-disciplinary approach towards the deployment of models, tools, algorithms and simulation and visualization techniques is required to transform isolated ...
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SUPERIOR aims at providing top-quality cross-disciplinary and supra-sectoral training to a pool of promising young researchers, in an area at the interface between Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials- and Nano-Science, Physics and Electrical Engineering. SUPERIOR appointees will be formally trained in lecture courses, dedicated schools and workshops, and through an ambitious and carefully planned ...
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ORION puts together a multidisciplinary consortium of leading European universities, research institutes and industries with the overall goal of advancing the fabrication of inorganic-organic hybrid materials using ionic liquids. Maximum research efforts within ORION will be addressed to achieve inorganic-organic hybrids with an ordered nanostructure and to understand and characterize the new gene ...
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A major challenge facing European industry involves the development of more specific, energy saving processes with less environmental impact. The recent development of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) may prove a major milestone in achieving these goals. MACADEMIA project is an extension to an FP6 STREP (DeSANNS) which highlighted some MOF materials for CO2 capture and storage. It will expand and c ...
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Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

The PLASMOBIO project is based on the physical phenomenon of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR).It focuses on enhancing opportunities offered by this technique by coupling it to various improvements based on the joint use of mechanisms derived from micro technologies.The idea is to bring together the expertise scattered across the cross-border region to resolve a multidisciplinary problem, rather tha ...
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... Three trainings were organized about the protection and management of the intellectual property rights in the field of the information technology. Two trainings were organized in Szeged (at University of Szeged and at the headquarters of MTESZ), while the third training took place in Kecskemét (at College of Kecskemét). The competency questionnaire was finalized and an online interface ...
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European Network for Cell Imaging and Tracking Expertise (ENCITE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

"Cell therapy can be defined as the transplantation of living cells for the treatment of medical disorders. Three different principles underlie the increasing interest in cell therapy. 1. Transplanted cells used as an “active drug” 2. Transplanted cells used to replace damaged and degenerated tissue. 3. Cells used as a drug delivery vehicle. Promising results have been obtained in pre-clinical and ...
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Engine LUBrication SYStem technologies (ELUBSYS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

"In aeronautics, gas turbine engines are equipped with lubrication systems whose function is to cool and lubricate the highly loaded rolling bearings and gearboxes. Current lubrication systems are based on architectures and technologies that have not much evolved for the last 30 years and that, despite advances made on components, have reached their technological limit. Future aero-engine requirem ...
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The high throughput identification of resolution systems for industrially important chiral chemicals will be approached using the bottom-up hierarchichal assembly from self-organised chirally nanostructured surfaces and the “Dutch resolution” family method to isolation of enantiomers. Molecular modelling, surface science, supramolecular chemistry and the critically important resolving library des ...
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The call 4.2.2-1 “organic materials for electronics and photonics” is based on the observation that the limited availability of high-performance multi-functional materials is a roadblock to further industrial progress. To address the wide scope of the call, we have identified specific materials bottlenecks to the fields of electronics and photonics. They constitute the focal points of our project. ...
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The programme area is crossed by relevant freight traffic flows, originated and directed in- and outside it. This traffic is mainly supported by road infrastructures, that were not planned for these flows. This involves a negative impact on the territorial competitiveness and environment, due to air pollution, noise and reduced mobility. The project objective is to promote the coordination between ...
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Description Building the Future Optical NetworkMain ObjectivesThe BONE-network brings together 49 laboratories and research institutes from al over Europe in a close networking infrastructure, built on the foundations laid down by the FP6 ePhoton/ONe Network and represents the research activities within Europe in the field of Optical Netw ...
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ELFE - E-Learning for Female Entrepreneurs (ELFE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2007,, France, Ireland, Belgium and Germany, builds on the success of the German KEIM initiative in developing an online course for women entrepreneurs. ELFE, which is being led by Germany’s Karlsruhe University of Applied Science, will both tailor the on-line course for the local needs of project partners and harmonise it for trans-national use with the development of new modules concerning European ...
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The distance-learning project eLeSI – e-Learning for an Inclusive Society – grew out of the awareness of a gap in the training of many people in Europe who work with children and adults affected by learning difficulties, pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) or psychiatric disorders.eLeSI is supported and led by three large universities and three partner organisations from the voluntary sector: ...
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The Battuta project is built around a consortium of 20 institutions (9 in Europe, 11 in Maghreb). This project aims to build ties between instituions on both shores of Mediterranean. It will organize the implementation of more than 200 mobilities during 48 months. These mobilities concern students: all levels and all fields of study and staff: academic and administrative.The purpose of Battuta pro ...
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Ce projet s'inscrit dans le cadre du contrat programme en logistique signé fin 2010 entre le gouvernement marocain et la Confédération Générale des Entreprises Marocaines, visant à réduire les coûts logistiques de 20% à 15% du PIB et à former 62000 personnes qualifiées en logistique (techniciens, opérateurs, ingénieurs et managers), et ce à l'horizon 2015. L'examen critique de l'état des formation ...
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... in order to implement the developed programme with the end result expected to lead to a quality degree and true European Master programme, in which students will be able to graduate from two or more university institutions. Dissemination activities aim to inform educators across Europe about the methods and challenges encountered in developing a European degree programme and will make use of the ...
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...(within and between the different families of languages, andbetween unrelated languages) to sustain linguistic diversity in Europe andmultiple learning of languages at different levels: school and universitystudents, lifelong learning programmes (in-house training, adult learning),initial and ongoing teacher training, bilingual teaching contexts, self-learning…;b. identifying and assessing all ini ...
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