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33 European Projects Found

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Background Currently, the Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti) is considered endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, as nesting is restricted to Portugal and Spain. The size of its reproductive population in the Iberian Peninsula is so small that there is a high risk of extinction (by simple demographic mischance and/or genetic deterioration) due to unpred ...
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"MARS will support managers and policy makers in the practical implementation of the WFD, of related legislation and of the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources by conducting new research and synthesising existing knowledge concerning effects and management of multiple stressors in surface water and groundwater bodies; by advising the 3rd RMBP cycle and the revision of the WFD; and by d ...
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BACKGROUNDThe prevalence of overweight and obesity in Europe is high and contribute to mortality and the burden of many chronic diseases, especially within groups of lower social-economic status. Obesity is largely determined by modifiable lifestyle dependent risk factors such as reduced physical activity, sedentary behaviour and an unhealthy diet. There is growing evidence that influences on indi ...
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The Plant Cell Wall Training Consortium (WallTraC)

Start date: Jun 1, 2011, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

"Plant cell walls constitute a highly complex and dynamic entity of extreme importance in plant growth and development. Growing cell walls can be considered as ""fibre composites"", where cellulose microfibrils are embedded in a matrix of complex glycans. It is becoming increasingly apparent (i) that cell wall glycans are diverse in structural terms, (ii) that these structures are developmentally ...
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Targeted research effort on African swine fever (ASFORCE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

"African Swine Fever (ASF) is a devastating disease affecting swine caused by a complex virus, the only member of the Asfarviridae family. Disease transmission is maintained under different and complex epidemiological scenarios involving domestic and wild swine and arthropod vectors (soft ticks Ornithodoros sp). Due to the fact that no vaccine has been obtained so far, prevention, control, and era ...
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Animal welfare is one of the topics that has consistently ranked on the top of items brought to the attention of governmental organizations and politicians across European countries. Concerns about animal welfare among European citizens are founded in well thought expectations from governments, industry and other stakeholders. The tremendous public scrutiny on animal welfare related issues put exc ...
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Open minds

Start date: Aug 4, 2014, End date: Mar 3, 2015,

While living in a modern society, in Countries that have signed the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, acts of racial discrimination and prejudice against other nations are still frequent. It's important, therefore, sensitize people, especially young people, to accept and respect cultural diversity. "Open Minds " is a youth cultural exchange project that had, among its most impor ...
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La forêt de l'espace SUDOE est essentiellement de type méditerranéen. Elle présente une grande diversité d'espèces, les propriétés forestières sont très morcelées et les massifs discontinus. Les industries du bois du territoire SUDOE rencontrent des difficultés de compétitivité et elles importent fréquemment le bois et le sciage procédant d'autre pays.WOODTECH est un projet d'innovation et de tran ...
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La forêt, en plus de ses fonctions économiques reconnues par tous les acteurs du milieu rural tels que le développement de l'emploi rural et le marché local du bois pour la transformation ou pour l'énergie, rend de nombreux autres services.Cependant, de multiples risques sont identifiables et doivent être gérés dans et pourront éventuellement être aggravés par les changements climatiques: futures ...
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URBANSELF - A North-South-Network on Urban Self-Organisation and Public Life in Europe, India and China builds on existing contacts of cooperative research and knowledge exchange. The objective of URBANSELF is to bring together and integrate competences on urban processes in Europe, India and China with a specific focus on urban self-organisation and how this can contribute to the development and ...
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FUSENET - The European Fusion Education Network (FUSENET)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

"This aim of the FUSENET project is the establishment of a European Fusion Education Network (FUSENET) for education in fusion science and technology, as part of a comprehensive package of coordination actions, in order to increase, enhance, and broaden fusion training and education activities in Europe. The project consists of eleven focused work packages, with a total proposed budget of 2,000,00 ...
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"The European Commission and other funding agencies make a large investment in child health research. The health of our children is satisfactory, but there are serious concerns, for example, obesity, mental health, alcohol abuse, and sexuality. We know that there are strong links between the health of young people and their social inclusion and level of education. Our objective is to establish a s ...
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Coordination Action in R&D in Accessible and Assistive ICT (CARDIAC)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

The major aim of the Coordination Action would be to improve the overall success of Challenge 7 ICT 2009 7.2 'Accessible and Assistive ICT'.It would assist those involved in the research aspects of Challenge 7 by identifying the research and development that is needed in this field, both immediately and in the near future, by raising the level of knowledge and understanding of Accessible and Assis ...
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"The prevalence of overweight amongst European children and adolescents has risen at an alarming rate in the past decades, with major repercussions for their health in the short and long term. Existing prevention programmes to combat the epidemic either highlight a public health approach (employing incentive schemes such as taxing of foods) or an individual-educational approach to encourage young ...
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El objetivo del proyecto OPTIMAGRID es definir, diseñar, desarrollar e implementar sistemas de control inteligentes de la energía que permitan la gestión en tiempo real de una micro-red de distribución de energía eléctrica aplicada a un área industrial con elevado porcentaje de penetración de energías renovables. Se persigue así cambiar el concepto contaminante asociado a las áreas industriales, p ...
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El objetivo del proyecto TELERIEG es conseguir una mayor protección del medio ambiente a través de una gestión más eficiente y racional de los recursos hídricos en la agricultura y una más eficaz prevención y capacidad de respuesta ante los riesgos naturales en la zona SUDOE. Se pretende mejorar la capacidad de recogida y análisis de datos y toma de decisiones por parte de los usuarios y gestores ...
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"African swine fever (ASF) in EU member states is currently confined to Italy (Sardinia), it was recently introduced to Caucasian regions and it is highly prevalent in sub-Saharan African countries. In both the EC and Africa changes in the epidemiology of the disease have recently been observed, related to newly emerging strains of ASFV, emphasising the serious threat this disease represents to th ...
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Récupération de rivières dans le SUDOE européen (RICOVER)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

El proyecto tiene por objetivo definir e implementar (a través de intervenciones piloto) estrategias y metodologías conjuntas de protección y conservación de los ríos del SUDOE, teniendo en cuenta, entre otros elementos, las características naturales y la biodiversidad, la preservación de hábitats prioritarios y del Patrimonio de la Red Natura 2000, la importancia de los ríos como corredores ecoló ...
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History and Philosophy in Science Teaching (HIPST)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2010,

In order to develop a better integration of science in society and society in science the promotion of young people’s interest in science, to encourage their critical and creative ways of thinking and to improve science education, and the uptake of scientific careers in general is of vital importance. Sustained learning of science implies many different dimensions. One often ignored, but important ...
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El SUDOE posee un sector forestal importante pero enfrentado a dificultades inherentes a las distintas situaciones geográficas: del Atlántico al Mediterráneo pasando por las zonas de montaña. No obstante, este sector es abastecedor de actividad y de desarrollo económico, pero ante la competencia y a pesar de una demanda en alza, las PYMES regionales localizadas en las zonas rurales desaparecen. An ...
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El SUDOE tiene una gran parte de tierras agrícolas irrigadas, en particular, las de producción de frutas y de hortalizas que se caracterizan por una dependencia total de los recursos hídricos abundantes y de calidad. No obstante, la agricultura irrigada es frecuentemente denunciada no sólo como despilfarro de un recurso hídrico limitado, sino también por el deterioro que causa la contaminación gen ...
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Lobjectif du projet est de réaliser à léchelle expérimentale et dans différentes conditions représentatives du climat méditerranéen, et pour des cultures différentes, des «Méthodologies et Instruments pour la Planification et la gestion durable de lIrrigation en condition de Sécheresse» (MIPAIS). Ces méthodologies permettront de limiter le déficit de la disponibilité de ressources en eau, de rédui ...
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Le projet SEDEMED II a développé une approche intégrée et partagée pour fournir une évaluation fiable est basé sur une norme commune de qualité, concernant les mesures et la quantification des ressources en eau disponibles et prévus, ce système était fonctionnel pour fournir des méthodes et des manuels bonnes pratiques sur la collecte et le traitement des données, les modèles de prévisions à court ...
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lycentrism through the network of medium size cities (CIUMED)

Start date: May 31, 2003, End date: Nov 29, 2005,

CIUMED is a project financed by the INTERREG IIIB SUDOE community program and its main objective is to contribute to the promotion, in south western Europe, of a balanced polycentric system of cities capable of transmitting to all municipalities, no matter how small they may be, the impulses of economic development and social well-being. In this project, which involves several south western Europe ...
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« SEDEMED » sintéresse au phénomèene de sécheresse et de désertification en Méditerranée. Le projet a pour objectifs de réaliser une base de données hydro-météorologique et détendre lanalyse du cycle hydrologique à toute la zone Medocc. Il sagit également dappliquer et de vérifier les méthodologies déjà existantes pour la surveillance des phénomènes de sécheresse et de désertification, de perfecti ...
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TUNRail is a policy oriented measures project intended to "tune" and intensify the railway highereducation knowledge exchange and collaboration between the EU and the US. More specifically,this project uses benchmarking and comparisons to investigate the current programs, and onidentifying how well they address the key aspects of modem railway systems. The projectincreases transparency, identifies ...
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Training for small-scale producers in the wine and cheese sectors to improve their economic position on the agri-foodstuffs market : The "Training for production quality in the wine and cheese industries" project is intended to develop a training tool, accessible online or on CD-ROM, which is fully adapted to small-scale food producers, thereby allowing the latter to satisfy the quality requiremen ...
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Developing laboratory and software equipment for teaching science : The combination of virtual and real laboratory research is of immense help in the field of science education. State-of-the-art hardware and software was developed and four new courses are available to target audiences on the web. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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The project aimed to address some of the issues faced by people furthest from the labour market and those who experience difficulties in gaining or retaining training or employment due to a lack of appropriate personal skills and behaviours. The project consolidated the work undertaken in the Peer Implementation Project-PIP in training Mentors as Peer Educators to deliver personal development skil ...
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The EUGENE Network aims at improving the impact of European Engineering Education (EE) on competitiveness, innovation andsocio-economic growth in a global context. This goal will be achieved by setting–up and a top-level “discussion & action” forum tomonitor and support the continuous evolution of EE in the EHEA and to open its competition and cooperation borders beyondEurope. Indeed, although Eur ...
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The Project is a collaboration between two United States universities and three European universities, in the area of Policy Analysis for Complex Transport Systems". The project involves the organization and offering of one-week intensive course that will take place in Azores. The course will be offered to practicioners and the proposed program will NOT only contain the traditional material covere ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2011,

The AUSMIP + partnership, composed of 5 European, 3 Japanese, 2 Korean, 1 Australian and 1 New-Zealand HEI, including 6 European, 4 Japanese and 1 Korean Associated Partner, aims to stimulate innovative research and the transfer of know-how and expertise in the field of Urban Planning and Architecture in a context of global demographic transitions.The partnership's long-term ambition is to develo ...
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