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PRevention Of Malnutrition In Senior Subjects in the EU (PROMISS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2021,

PROMISS (PRevention Of Malnutrition In Senior Subjects in the EU) is a multi-country project aiming to turn the challenge of tackling malnutrition in community-dwelling older persons into an opportunity for healthy ageing for the future. The PROMISS consortium contains worldwide expertise in epidemiology, clinical trials, geriatrics, nutrition, physical activity, microbiomics, as well as in behavi ...
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Internet of Food and Farm 2020 (IoF2020)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The IoF2020 project is dedicated to accelerate adoption of IoT for securing sufficient, safe and healthy food and to strengthen competitiveness of farming and food chains in Europe.It will consolidate Europe’s leading position in the global IoT industry by fostering a symbiotic ecosystem of farmers, food industry, technology providers and research institutes.The IoF2020 consortium of 73 partners, ...
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Background Minuartia smejkalii is a postglacial flowering plant that is endemic to the Czech Republic. A type of sandwort, M. smejkalii is nowadays only found in two Natura 2000 network sites in the country. However, its population has undergone a 65% decline in the last five years and in some parts of the project sites it is already extinct. The main cau ...
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The FUTURE-RADAR project will support the European Technology Platform ERTRAC (the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council) and the European Green Vehicle Initiative PPP to create and implement the needed research and innovation strategies for a sustainable and competitive European road transport system. Linking all relevant stakeholders FUTURE-RADAR will provide the consensus-based plan ...
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SATELLITE will function as anchor for the entire CIVITAS Network, coordinating and supporting ongoing and future CIVITAS2020 projects. SATELLITE will address the MG5.5b call topic by helping cities gain better access to innovative solutions to properly address transport challenges they are facing. SATELLITE will make sure the latest innovations resulting from European urban mobility research reach ...
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Maritime “Awareness” is currently a top priority for Europe. “Awareness” sought either in regards of maritime security, border control against irregular immigration and safety of navigation while at the same time “awareness” sought in regards of the marine environment and climate change. “Awareness” is sought both for sea-basins of traditional interest like the Mediterranean and the Atlantic as we ...
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XF-ACTORS aims to establish a multidisciplinary research program to answer the urgent need to improve prevention, early detection and control of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). Recently, Xf was introduced into Italy, where it is causing severe damage to olive crops, and in France, where so far it is limited to ornamental plants and some landscape trees. The overall goal of the research program is to asse ...
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Background Large parts of southern Europe with low annual precipitation, including Mirabello and Platanias in Crete (Greece) and Metapontino in Basilicata (Italy) are expected to be hit particularly hard by climate change. In addition, these areas are also characterised by competing water uses, including agriculture as well as tourism in Crete and industr ...
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European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment (LIFE-ENPE)

Start date: Jul 16, 2015, End date: Jul 17, 2020,

Background Interpol and the United Nations Environment Programme estimate the cost of international environmental crime to be $213 billion (c. €188 billion) per year. This problem affects the EU as it does other regions. High levels of environmental crime can be partly attributed to inefficient and ineffective prosecution and sanctioning. Wildlife crime ...
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Next Generation GEOSS for Innovation Business (NextGEOSS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

The NextGEOSS project will implement a federated data hub for access and exploitation of Earth Observation data, including user-friendly tools for data mining, discovery, access and exploitation. This data hub will be supported by a strong commitment to the engagement of Earth Observation and related communities, with the view of supporting the creation of innovative and business oriented applicat ...
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...on and carbon dioxide (CO2) from agricultural land use constitute some 20% of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of Finland. According to the Climate Convention and Kyoto Protocol, the European Union has committed to reduce its GHG emissions. In Finland, reducing GHG emissions from the agricultural sector has proved to be particularly challenging. According to the Finnish Climate Panel, the ...
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Background Certain coastal habitats such as marshes and seagrass meadows, including Neptune grass (Posidonia oceanica) meadows, are significant carbon sinks, both in terms of the intensity of gas sequestration and carbon deposits that are stored for thousands of years. Despite the importance of this, and other ecosystem services, these habitats are disapp ...
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AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things (AUTOPILOT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

"Automated driving is expected to increase safety, provide more comfort and create many new business opportunities for mobility services. The market size is expected to grow gradually reaching 50% of the market in 2035. The IoT is about enabling connections between objects or "things"; it’s about connecting anything, anytime, anyplace, using any service over any network. There is little doubt that ...
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Effective EU support to a large external crisis requires new approaches. In response to this challenge and to identified user and market needs from previous projects, Reaching Out proposes an innovative multi-disciplinary approach that will optimize the efforts, address a wide spectrum of users and maximize market innovation success.This approach results in five main objectives: to1. Develop a Col ...
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Through INOVIA’s project, the mains actors of the higher and vocational education system in Brazil, Costa Rica and Bolivia, will develop adaptative capacities in the field of agrofood processing, in a context of technological, economic and social changes of the sector. The aim will consist with professionalizing the training system and promoting its integration in the productive sector, to enhance ...
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The Transportation sector employs over 10 million persons in the EU today. At the same time, Transport is a social sector that is rapidly developing, changing and being influenced to the maximum extent by the development of automation, electrification and greening of transport, among others, thus facing problems in staffing its several domains with appropriate and qualified personnel. This fact, m ...
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...nufacturing industries such as the cement, ceramics, steel, glass, mineral wool, aggregates, mortar and concrete sectors. Hence, a vast number of European workers, around four million (European Trade Union Confederation, 2007), are potentially exposed to Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) in the workplace. Although it is not possible to substitute crystalline silica in many of the sectors where ...
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Effective collaboration across government departments and with non-governmental actors is essential to good governance. In addition, effective collaboration with societal actors in public service delivery and policy-making can help governments improve their ability to address user needs and innovate their problem solving capacity. ICT is a key enabler to facilitate this. Effective engagement with ...
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Background:The Optimal partner countries, NO, UK, IR and FR, have set ambitious fish farming production growth targets, increasing the demand from fish production and supply companies for job-seekers with proven expertise and competence. The current generation of farm operatives must develop the skills to operate increasingly sophisticated fish farming equipment and ICT systems, according to speci ...
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gel(i)ebtes Alphabet: Anfang gut Alles gut. - So lernt das Gehirn !

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

For starters, the best is just good enough!Stop the ignorance in education towards brain research!Anyone who thinks that teaching literacy is peanuts and sophisticated method can wait for more demanding subjects later, is overlooking the fact that letters are the vehicle that transports us through our entire education. The entry sets the course!If one in five of the 15-year-old Europeans can’t pro ...
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The project T@ndem, focuses on supporting digital uses children by the establishment of an educational continuum between schools and families through a educational approach of media education, in coordination with specialized agencies in media education.Background and ObjectivesToday, media use are not confined to the private sphere of the family. They fall in the school's field. This represents a ...
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Exploring the Field of Interaction in Architectural Design Education

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...ource at the project and EAAE website.• The Department of Architecture, TOBB University of Economics and Technology (TOBB ETU) is the coordinator of the project, TURKEY• The International Union of Architects (UIA) is a key strategic partner in bridging the project to profession owing to its role in developing international and aspirational standards in education and professional practice.• The Eur ...
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Certificate in University Social Responsibility Auditing

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...gust 2019, with the OER being available for use across the territories of the European Higher Education Area from then on.This Innovation Strategic Partnership project is led by the UK’s National Union of Students, supported by the European Students Union, working with the University of Edinburgh (UK), the University of Porto (Portugal), Kaunas University of Technology and the Students’ Associatio ...
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Background to Project iCoachKidsThe figure of the coach is central in 21st century Europe (CoachLearn, 2016). The development of a suitably educated coaching workforce has been recognised as a priority area at the highest levels of European policy. The European Commission has also expressed the need to bring coaching qualifications into national frameworks and thus align them with wider tools such ...
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Key Skill Management in Operating Room

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

CONTEXTEurope Room nurses do not necessarily follow a specialized training before entering a block! The specialized trainings are heterogeneous or non-existent as in France. The mortality rate at 60 days in the blocks also varies from 0.5% to 5% in European countries.Significant pressure on the blocks is clear: more and more aging surgical patients, staff turnover, and multiculturalism blocks. The ...
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Video Supported Vocational Education and Training

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The Internet provides an exponentially growing number of freely accessible vocational training material in different topics and fields of practice. But the material is widely spread, typically only perceived by insiders on a local level and there is no structure that adequately supports international collaboration among the stakeholders. To turn information into knowledge and knowledge into action ...
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The object :Our proposal aims at three of the key competences of the Lisbon strategy (communication in the mother tongue, communication in foreign languages and digital competence) through the development of an interactive learning tool that distinguishes itself from the existing one. The rationale : The tool « 900 exercises in vocational education » has achieved great success for about ten yea ...
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REASON FOR THE PROJECT AND IMPACT: The idea for this project, submitted to the Erasmus+ National Agency in the UK, arises fromthe fact that there is a lack of qualified personnel on the car body repair sector. Following a report from Boston Consulting Group,"The European Aftermarket Landscape", which says that "the total market volume for the five analyzed focus markets (Germany,France, Great Brit ...
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NUCLEUS develops, supports and implements inclusive and sustainable approaches to Responsible Research and Innovation within the governance and culture of research organisations in Europe. A major goal of the transdisciplinary project will be to stimulate research and innovation which continuously reflects and responds to societal needs.In order to achieve a multifaceted and cross-cultural New Und ...
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Background According to recent data, around 120 000 to 210 000 tonnes of electronic waste is generated annually in Greece. The corresponding amounts collected and managed through the Greek Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) management system are around 39 000-56 000 tonnes annually. WEEE contains significant amounts of dangerous substances ...
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uP_running project aims to set the path for the development of the bioenergy utilisation of agrarian pruning and plantation removal (APPR) wood obtained from vineyards, olive groves and fruit tree plantations. uP_running vocation is the abatement of the current immobilism of the value chain actors for the utilization of APPR woody biomass. For that purpose uP_running incorporates a set of straight ...
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School of Active Citizens

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2019,

"School of Active Citizens" is a project of 33 months duration coordinated by YUPI organization in Famalicão, Portugal, in close partnership with other portuguese partner (Agrupamento de Escolas de Gondifelos), Poland (Semper Avanti), Slovakia (Agentura Pre Rozvoj Gemera and Sukromé gymnazium) and Romania (asociatia feedback PM-Brasov and Colegiul Tehnic Transilvania Brasov), for a total number of ...
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In the Euro area the unemployment rate increased from 6,4% in 2007 to 10,5% in November 2015. At the same time, ageing of farmers is also a crucial issue that need to be tackled: in 2007 only 6,3% of farmers were younger than 35. Alternative economic models for young farmers and rural entrepreneurs are therefore needed. Successful concepts of business in this field can lead to further and new empl ...
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Enhancing COoperation amongst FARMing entrepreneurs

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2019,

Agricultural markets & farming have changed considerably over the last decades across Europe and agricultural production faces more & more social & environmental challenges. Family farms are a central element of EU agricultural policy & the viability of many family farms is under threat. For example, only 37% of Irish farms are considered as economically viable; 31% are sustainable due to the pres ...
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 FINISHED Conference – UK - 2 Specialist Conference – Germany - 1 EU Policy Conference at Eu Parliament PARTNERS- Interesource Group (IE)- European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (BE)- European Union of the Deaf (BE)- University of Hamburg (DE)- Trinity College Dublin (IE)- AHEAD (IE)- Heriot Watt University (UK)
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This proposal responds to the first Open Calls issued by the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, as part of Shift2Rail Horizon 2020 programme. It specifically addresses the topic S2R-OC-IP5-03-2015: Intelligent freight wagon with predictive maintenance. This topic is complementary with topic S2R-CFM-IP5-02-2015: Start-up activities for Freight Automation. The INNOWAG project will work towards increasing ...
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The aim of OPEUS is to develop a simulation methodology and accompanying modelling tool to evaluate, improve and optimise the energy consumption of rail systems with a particular focus on in-vehicle innovation. The OPEUS concept is based on the need to understand and measure the energy being used by each of the relevant components of the rail system and in particular the vehicle. This includes the ...
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Saving COOPerative Energy (SCOoPE)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

SCOoPE project will work directly with energy-intense agro-food industries to implement cross-cutting and collaborative energy management systems addressed to reduce their energy consumption, and will further spread this knowledge within technicians, businesses managers, and energy and agro-food institutions.The project SCOoPE aims at achieving the challenges of the topic EE 16-2014/2015. Regardin ...
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Innovative solutions to society’s challenges need to be developed with the involvement of all stakeholders through a dynamic, iterative, mutually responsible process. To achieve this, greater understanding of required stakeholder interactions as well as their needs and concerns is required. Societal engagement in nanotechnology has been tackled previously. However, prior learning needs to be broug ...
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The overall objective of the SUCCESS4ALL project is to develop and demonstrate an innovative e-learning platform providing access to training on entrepreneurship skills for students at European universities, with a particular focus on those with special needs by integrating them and adopting an inclusive education approach. The project focuses on two specific target groups: students with disabili ...
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