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13 European Projects Found

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Nýtum tækifærin núna - skoðanir ungs fólks

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

The Icelandic Youth Association (UMFÍ) is the national association of local youth associations. Its associated partners are total 29 linked organizations. The UMFÍ covers a total of 340 associations with about 130,000 members.The UMFÍ’s role is to co-ordinate the activities of the Icelandic youth associations and offer services to it's associate associations and members. Furthermore, The UMFÍ rep ...
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Cultures in Dialogue

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Currently Europe has approximately 500 national minorities and every 7th citizen in Europe belongs to a national minority. These numbers exclude ethnic minorities which have arisen as a result of the recent 30-40 years of migrations into Europe. Taking into account both national as well as ethnic minorities, the cultural landscape of Europe is far more diverse and is set to become even more divers ...
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Lýðháskóla heim - námsferð til Danmerkur.

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Folk high school home - study visit to Denmark. The study visit is part of a larger project on behalf UMFÍ. UMFÍ has been planning to establish a Folk high school of UMFÍ with an emphasis on sports and outdoor activities. The goal is to get knowledge within two Danish folk high schools that offer both a informal learning in sport and outdoors activities. Participants in the project are already in ...
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Journey 4 Life

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Sveriges Riskförbund av 4H kommer 7-14 augusti anordna Journey 4 Life på Ästad 4H-gård i Halland, en ungdomsvecka för unga 15-20 år. De 45 deltagarna kommer från Sverige, Norge, Finland, Danmark (inklusive Grönland och Färöarna), Island och Sydslesvig i Tyskland. Deltagarna kommer under veckan genom workshops och aktiviteter få lära känna varandras kulturer och utforska och utmana sina eventuella ...
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Youth Lab

Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Jan 2, 2017,

Both nationally and internationally recent years have depicted an alarming picture of declining well-being among children and youth. In the Danish context, two recent reports indicate that the development over the past 10 years in the well-being of children and youth is negative on almost every parameter. In short, many children report positively on their well-being, but a large share of children ...
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Niður með grímuna - Geðheilsa ungmenna á Íslandi

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

UMFÍ – youth congress – Take the mask down – mental wellbeing of young people in Iceland will be held 16.-18.mars 2016. The congress aims to empower young people to seek help if they have any mental sickness or if they know about anyone facing such a situation. Participants will work with non-formal education where they share their experiences and expertise; we will use peer to peer approach in ...
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YE-MOUINTANS AND FJORDS – Leaders in outdoors activities.

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Dec 3, 2015,

The project's long-term goal was to make youngsters into good leaders and activity leaders. In addition we wanted the youth to develop friendship and knowledge of young people from other countries in Northern Europe. We believe that the project Mountains & Fjords - Nordic Leader School has led young people one step further on this road by participating in seminars with these themes, communication ...
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Play 4 the Planet

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

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The snowball

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The youth council of the national youth association of Iceland has been given a grant to carry out a nation wide project called "Snjóboltinn", a project that requires experience in project management, knowledge of sports to be used in education and how to empower young people with fewer opportunities in our work. With local knowledge already in grasp it seemed to be the natural step to take actio ...
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UMFÍ youth congress – Margur verður af aurum api - rights and responsibilities of young people in the labor market will be held from 25 to 27.mars 2015.The aim to empower youth to seek redress and their rights in labor market. Participants will work with non-formal education where they share their experiences and expertise, we will use peer to peer approach in all our work. The goal is to explain ...
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Námsferð framkvæmdarstjóra sambandsaðila UMFÍ til DGI

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2015,

The main goal of this project is to provide project managers within the UMFI Umbrella a chance to improve their work. Give them opportunities to visit DGI where they can get new ideas and tools to empower themselves in their work. The main focus will be on how to increase participation of youth in the work and how to empower volunteers. Both organizations will improve their work with this project ...
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Stjórnsýslan og við

Start date: Feb 3, 2014,

The conference „Youth and democracy - public administration and us“ will be held in Ísafjörður from the 9th to 11th of April 2014. The conference theme this year will be to influence youth to take part within the administration level. Discussions will be held between youth covering what has been done well according to youth and what can be improved. Can and should youth have a stronger voice? The ...
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Ungt fólk og lýðræði

Start date: Feb 1, 2009,

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