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9 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

HORSE aims to bring a leap forward in the manufacturing industry proposing a new flexible model of smart factory involving collaboration of humans, robots, AGV’s (Autonomous Guided Vehicles) and machinery to realize industrial tasks in an efficient manner. HORSE proposes to foster technology deployment towards SMEs by developing a methodological and technical framework for easy adaptation of robot ...
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...her with the ESS responsible for the needs analysis in the field of the identifications of key competences. A qualified evaluation and validation of the project results will be done by University of Leicester.The tangible outcomes are listed under “objectives of the project”. The main impact of the project is to contribute to the easier entrance of the unemployed into the labour market and to impr ...
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Urban Soil Management Strategy (URBAN-SMS)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

Central Europe is characterised by a relatively high population density. In some of the countries a quarter of the total national population lives in the capital agglomeration, in the other countries urban networks of larger towns exist. These urban areas have a high economic potential, but they are facing a concentration of environmental, social and economic problems often triggered by increasing ...
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Central Europe Branch Based Innovation Support (CEBBIS)

Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

The project CEBBIS is looking for trans-regional branch based, demand-led methods and solutions to improve technology transfer to SMEs. The partbnership joints its forces in order to provides tools, methods and proceedings for professionalising intermediary innovation and technology transfer supporting staff, related to ICT-driven innovation for knowledge-intensive core industries. Offering indust ...
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POLYINVEST project aims at improving conditions for investment in the rural areas, directly tackling the development gap between the regions of the SEE space. Through the development of an innovative information service about the availability and characteristics of marketable real estates, the project responds to: the needs of those public administrations interested in enhancing and gaining an inc ...
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The EU 2020 Strategy includes an agenda on New Skills and Jobs. In order to reach the goals of this strategy, attention should be given to the inclusion of persons with disabilities on the labour market. They can represent a significant addition to the labour force and contribute to economic production. A qualitative and inclusive VET system is crucial in this regard.Based on 2 key principles of t ...
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The European Network in Intergenerational Learning responds to the need identified among practitioners to offer a platform and incentives for fostering new ideas and new developments in intergenerational learning across Europe, and to provide the infrastructure for on-going exchange of expertise, good practice, news, research and developments in the field. It will facilitate discussion and shared ...
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Due to the increasing international cooperation between different industrial companies it is necessary to get insight into the requirements to the competences of maintenance staff. This project intends to contribute to the innovation of the vocational practice within the maintenance sector by upgrading the instruments by international consensus about educational material, and by designing a compet ...
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The aim of the VOCAL-Medical project was to transfer innovation from the LdV TOI project VOCAL (2007-2009) and other relevant EU projects which relate to language learning in vocational contexts to a new area, namely the healthcare sector. The project targeted those healthcare professionals who find themselves having to communicate with patients who are non-nationals in emergency situations where ...
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